049. you're coming with me

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march 30, 2023

since liberty was still not talking much with her best friend, not for any reason in particular other than her being busy, when she had seen violet to do her hair and she had asked how she was going and try to find out a little about her situation, but liberty kept the conversation about herself minimal.

she knew her boyfriend had some odd tendencies but it wasn't anything majorly concerning, so she just brushed it all aside and labeled it as due to his abandonment and trust issues.

plus she was enjoying 99% of the time she was spending with him, and also liked the added fact that she didn't have to go stay at her own place and face those that betrayed her, so why would she ruin it for herself just because some people think he's strange — after all they only know pieces about him.

picking the girl up from her work, aj drove them back to his place and once getting into his apartment, he would then cook dinner as she was having a shower. this routine was something that was beginning to be the usual for the couple.

although on this particular night, since she finished at a later time than normal, he wasn't in the mood to cook something and had said they'd just get pizza delivered.

and because liberty can't consume dairy, that sprung an argument between them since he wouldn't respect her allergy and didn't want to spend money on a second pizza, also telling her she doesn't need one for herself due to being 'chubby' already.

which quickly put them both into a bad mood.

the remainder of the car ride was silent. the walk up to his apartment also. he did end up giving in to ordering liberty her own pizza for the sake of keeping her happy, but it was the comments that he made about her that resulted in her being so quiet.

"i'm going to go have a shower," liberty mumbled as she passed by the boy while he was chucking his keys down on the kitchen counter.

"no! get back here!" he raised his voice, causing her to instantly turn around. "i just brought you your fucking overpriced pizza, sit down."

"i told you i'd pay you for it.."

"i don't want your money! just sit down and wait for it and eat dinner with me," he huffed before walking over to the living room.


she followed him over to the living room, taking a seat, she quickly grabbed a pillow and pulled in onto her lap. aj finding something for them to watch on the tv before walking over to the door as there was a knock.

thanking the delivery driver as he took the pizzas off of him, chucking him the few coins he found in his pocket as a tip before shutting the door and heading back over to his girlfriend.

"i'm guessing that's yours," he muttered, roughly passing the box to her.

"thank you.."

the singular comment calling her chubby was heavily weighing on her mind. instantly taking herself back to 2018 when worst comments were being made about her online.

"libby, it's okay," daniel held the girl in his arms as tears flowed down her cheeks. "don't let them get to you, they just jealous. they do it the second they find out they're girls in our life. they just want to tear you down, please don't let it get to you."

"but they're right-"

"no!" he quickly interrupted her. "no, they're not. you're drop dread gorgeous. you're perfect. do not listen to them."


"liberty.. let's go down and have dinner with everyone, come on," he unwrapped his arms and hoped up from her bed, holding his hand out for her.

"i'm not hungry," she mumbled.

"okay," he quietly nodded, although it took a bit in him he didn't want to push her and instead just respect her choices. "i'll tell everyone you're fallen asleep then, okay?"

"thank you.."

and those three words. 'i'm not hungry'. over the next couple months, that wasn't the last time she had said that. things only spiralled from there. falling into a deep state of depression, not eating for days at a time — and if she was having anything, it would be the smallest amount.

from feeling lonely to missing those that she loved most, that contributed to the combination of things that got her to this point, but it was especially all those comments about her body.

and it didn't help that at the point in time she couldn't figure out why she was unable to keep a relationship and those comments from some of daniel's so called 'fans' made her believe that was why she couldn't keep someone around. because she wasn't pretty enough.

so she wanted to change. for love. and she was willing to do whatever for it..

the feeling of aj's eyes burning into her as she slowly took bites of the pizza, taking her gaze to the show on tv between each bite while she tried to delay eating it.

she only ate a couple slices, just enough to fulfil her hunger and aj to finish his before closing the box and placing it on the table in front of them, resulting in scoff from the boy.

"i don't really feel like eating anymore.."

"i can see that." he muttered.

".. um just so you know," she spoke up after a couple of minutes of silence, grabbing the boxes ready to take them to the kitchen as an excuse to stand up from the lounge and take a step away from him, but still facing him. "i'm going out for dinner with a friend after work tomorrow-"

"no you're fuckin' not!" he raised his voice as he closely watched her actions.

"you can come if you want?" she added — knowing he couldn't.

"no. you know i have work and you're coming."

"aj, it's my best friend's birthday!" she raised her voice in frustration. "i'm going to go celebrate with them!"

"i thought you didn't fucking like any of your friends?!"

"not this one.." she softly shook her head, softening her tone with the hopes he will then do the same. "the ones i live with i'm not the biggest fan of.. but this friend i've known my whole life, and it's not just him-"

"him?!" he cut off her slip up. "it's a fucking guy?! fuck no."

"but it's not just us, other's will be there too.. like his girlfriend.."

"i already fucking told you today not to fucking argue with me!" he quickly stood up, speaking through gritted teeth while yanking the pizza boxes off of her with one hand and throwing them onto the table as he tightly grabbed onto her wrist with his other. "i've already paid for you to be plus one at my fucking party, you're coming with me!"

"i told you i can't.. i get seasick.."

"i don't care!" he brought his hand to the collar of his hoodie, pulling her in closer to himself, muttering his words, "you are coming with me."


aj's real side is showing :(

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