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Author's Pov -


The five brothers sat impatiently in the dimly lit room. The eldest, Jin, paced back and forth in front of the door while the others occasionally glanced at him.

Jimin: "I told you, Hyung, to stop it while you still had the chance. Dad might have listened if you had talked with him-"

Jin: "You think I didn't try, Jimin? You all saw how hard I tried to change his mind. And don't forget how Dad stopped talking to us for a whole month because we wouldn't stop nagging him to end his relationship with Hye Kyo."

As he finished speaking, the door creaked open, revealing an enraged Taehyung, followed by the ever-cold Yoongi.

Jungkook: "What happened to you?"

He asked with furrowed brows as Taehyung sat between Hoseok and Jungkook, his anger still evident on his face. Taehyung kept his right hand hidden in his pocket, concealing the bruises he got from Y/N.

Jin: "What happened, Taehyung?"

Taehyung: "Y/n happened," he muttered through gritted teeth. The five boys exchanged confused glances.

Taehyung: "Why did you drag me away, Yoongi Hyung? I could've taught that brat a lesson or two."

Yoongi barely stopped himself from rolling his eyes, choosing instead to slump onto the sofa beside Namjoon.

Jin: "If you didn't hear me, Taehyung, I asked you a question. Now, answer it."

Jin's voice held a stern edge, and Taehyung gulped, not wanting to get on his bad side.

Taehyung: "I was minding my business with that Daniel guy, and she started butting in. She even dared to touch me! She actually laid her hands on me!"

Taehyung reluctantly pulled his hand from his pocket and showed the bruises to the others.

Hoseok: "But how did she manage that?"

Taehyung: "I raised my hand at her, and she just grabbed it. I didn't know it would leave bruises... that bit-"

Jin: "Taehyung..." he warned, silencing the younger man.

Jungkook: "(Scoffs) She's acting all tough. I bet she's just one of those pathetic girls trying to show off on her first day to get attention."

Hoseok: "But the real question is, how did a girl get that much strength to leave bruises just by grabbing a hand?"

Jin: "That answers Jungkook's question-she's not an ordinary girl. Namjoon and I are still digging into her background, but we haven't found anything unusual so far."

Jimin: "Great, just imagine her breaking furniture and throwing glasses around the house whenever she gets pissed."

Jungkook: "I bet there's nothing unbroken at her place..."

Jimin: "Except for her mother."

Jin: "Enough with the nonsense, guys. Let me make one thing clear: we can't be on bad terms with her right now. Nothing has even started, and we need to keep her in one piece, or Dad's gonna break our bones!"

Namjoon: "You two... behave yourselves from now on," he directed at Taehyung and Jungkook.

Suddenly, Jin's phone rang, and he picked it up with an annoyed expression.

Jin: "Hello... yes... hmm... WHAT?! No... no... don't... we'll handle it... no need to do that... yes...!"

He hung up the call, his expression even more frustrated.

THE STEPBROTHERS | BTS MAFIA AU | ✔Where stories live. Discover now