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Y/n's Pov-

I couldn't fully open my eyes, but the sight of the boys amidst the chaos filled me with a complex mix of emotions-relief, fear, and a desperate longing for their safety. My vision was blurred, and my body felt heavy and weak, but I could still make out their frantic movements and hear the sound of their shouts over the relentless gunfire.

They fought with fierce determination, their every action driven by the need to reach me. I saw Jimin's intense focus, Hoseok and Yoongi's swift movements, and Namjoon's commanding presence, all working in unison to push through the enemy. Their efforts were a testament to their strength and their bond with me, and the sight of them trying to rescue me was both comforting and heartbreaking.

Despite my attempts to struggle free from Nurse Jeon's grasp, the pain and weakness in my body made it nearly impossible to resist. I thrashed against her hold, my movements feeble and disjointed, but she was relentless. Her grip was firm, and her movements calculated as she pulled me further away from the boys, her face a mask of cold determination.

As we moved through the dimly lit corridors of the warehouse, I could hear the distant sounds of the battle continuing behind us. Each step felt like an eternity, and the fear of being separated from the boys grew stronger with every passing moment. I wanted to call out to them, to let them know I was still here and still fighting, but my voice was barely a whisper, choked by pain and exhaustion.

The scene was a blur of flashing lights and shadows, punctuated by the sounds of distant gunfire and the occasional shout. Nurse Jeon's footsteps echoed ominously in the confined space, and her relentless tugging only served to deepen my sense of despair.

Despite everything, a glimmer of hope remained. I could see the boys' relentless efforts, their faces etched with determination and concern. Even though I was being dragged away, their presence was a beacon of strength and hope. I clung to the hope that they would reach me in time, that their courage and resolve would be enough to overcome the obstacles between us.

Every struggle, every ounce of strength I could muster, was directed towards one goal: to hold on until they could get to me. The fight was far from over, and though my own energy was waning, the sight of them gave me the strength to keep going, to keep fighting against the darkness that threatened to overtake me.

As I was dragged into the dark room, the harsh light from the hallway faded, replaced by the oppressive gloom of my new confinement. Nurse Jeon and Daniel shoved me into a corner, their hands rough and unfeeling. They quickly bolted the door behind them, the metallic clank echoing ominously in the silence that followed. The sound of the door being bolted was harsh, almost mocking in its finality.

Then, a loud crash reverberated through the room, making the door thud violently against its frame. I could hear the sharp bang and clatter of something striking it, and the two figures in front of me flinched, their eyes darting around in alarm.

Nurse Jeon and Daniel exchanged nervous glances, their earlier composure faltering. The door creaked ominously as it was battered from the other side, the old wood seeming to tremble under the assault. The urgency in their movements was palpable; they were clearly unprepared for the level of resistance they were encountering.

I could see the panic in their eyes, and though I was weak and disoriented, a flicker of hope ignited within me.

The door continued to groan under the pressure, each hit reverberating through the room and adding to the tension.

Despite my precarious position, I tried to focus on the sounds from the other side, letting the knowledge that they were fighting for me fuel my resolve. My body ached, and every movement was a struggle, but I clung to the hope that the boys would break through and rescue me from this nightmarish ordeal.

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