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Author's Pov–

As they follow Park into a secluded area of the club, Y/n’s heart races. They’re almost there. Chauhan keeps the conversation going, stalling for time as they move through the club.

Chauhan: "You’ve built quite the empire, Mr. Park. We’ve been following your work closely."

Park: "I’m glad to hear that. But I’m curious—what exactly are you interested in?"

Y/n catches a glimpse of the security cameras in the hallway—they’re being watched closely. She can’t afford to slip up now.

Y/n (quietly into her comms): "Ready to initiate. Stand by."

As they enter a private lounge, Park dismisses his bodyguards, a sign that he’s ready to get down to business. Y/n and Chauhan exchange a quick glance—this is it.

Park: "So, what’s the offer?"

Y/n steps forward, her voice calm and steady.

Y/n: "How about your freedom?"

Park’s eyes widen in surprise, but before he can react, Y/n draws her gun, pointing it directly at him.

Y/n: "National Security Agent. You’re under arrest, Park."

For a split second, there’s silence, then all hell breaks loose.

Park lunges toward a hidden button on the wall, but Chauhan is faster. He intercepts Park with a powerful shove, sending him crashing into the glass table. The sound of shattering glass echoes in the small room as Park struggles to regain his footing.

Park: “You’ll regret this!”

The door bursts open as Park’s bodyguards, alerted by the commotion, storm back into the room with their weapons drawn. Y/n reacts instantly, diving behind one of the couches for cover as the first shots are fired. Chauhan rolls to the side, grabbing a gun from his ankle holster.

Xukai: (over comms): “We’ve got movement outside! SWAT is breaching in three... two...”

One of the bodyguards rushes Y/n, but she’s ready. As he closes the distance, she leaps out from behind the couch, catching his arm mid-swing and using his momentum to flip him over her shoulder. He hits the ground hard, and she quickly disarms him, sending his gun sliding across the floor.

Y/n: “Stay down!”

Chauhan, now in a crouched position, fires off two precise shots, hitting one of the guards in the leg and forcing the other to dive for cover. The room is filled with the sounds of gunfire and the heavy breathing of combatants, but Y/n remains focused.


The atmosphere in Eclipse was electric, the beats of the music vibrating through the floor as Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Yoongi navigated the crowd. Yoongi, ever observant, couldn't shake of the familiar face he saw at the VIP section. His heart raced as his mind goes on the relentless thoughts.

Just then, without warning, the club's entrance was breached by a SWAT team. The staccato of gunfire from the VIP section echoed through the room, instantly shattering the club’s festive mood. Patrons screamed and scrambled for the exits as the SWAT team stormed in, their heavy boots pounding the floor.

Jimin's focus shifted immediately. He signaled to Jungkook and Taehyung.

Jimin: "We need to get out of here. This place is turning into a war zone."

Taehyung: "But–we still have no trace of Dan–"

Yoongi snapped suddenly, not being able to hold it in any longer.

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