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Y/n's Pov–

The three of them were staring at me with round eyes, waiting for me to spill the tea. I shrugged off the remaining thoughts and cleared my throat.

Y/n: " Alright, my biggest secret is... I once accidentally walked into a glass door at a fancy restaurant and pretended to faint so people wouldn't think I was just clumsy."

The boys stared at me in disbelief for a moment before bursting into laughter.

Jimin: "Wait, seriously?"

Jimin asked, eyes wide with amusement.

I nodded, cheeks turning slightly pink.

Y/n: "Yeah. I was at this really fancy place, and I didn't realize the door was closed. I walked right into it, and everyone saw. So I just, you know, dramatically fainted to play it off."

Taehyung laughed so hard he had to hold his stomach.

Taehyung: "That's brilliant! Did it work?"

I grinned.

Y/n: "Well, a couple of waiters rushed over to help, and I got a free dessert out of it. So, I guess it did."

Jimin shook his head, still chuckling.

Jimin: "I can’t believe you did that. That's both embarrassing and genius."

Jungkook smiled.

Jungkook: "Well, at least you know how to make the best out of a bad situation."

The group continued to laugh, the mood light and full of camaraderie. I let out a relieved sigh after all. I'm not planning on telling them that anytime soon. Better of never, if that's possible.


Hoseok: " I am not chasing you around the room Y/n if that's what you wa– hey! "

He fell off to my bed once I slammed him with a pillow. Pillow fight has become a tradition in the house actually. Someone dosen't listens to you? You don't like anyone? You're trying to be stubborn? Slam!

Y/n: " It's been four days and I'm healthy as a horse, see..."

I got on top of my bed, grinning from ear to ear and he just scowls.

Hoseok: " Yeah right I see it, now come down you need to take your medicine. "

I jump off form the bed and ran straight out of the room before he got the chance to catch me.

The past days flew off in a blink of an eye. The pain on my abdomen had decreased by a lot and I can finally walk and–er run on my own too! My right hand however is still a bit wobbly but I can hold stuffs and eat at least.

And right now I'm not having the disgusting bitter liquid which people call medicine. I'm okay with gulping capsules and tablets but syrups? Heck N.O. I ain't having any. I don't need any I've fully recovered!

I ignored Hoseok's call and sprinted downstairs only to bump face to face with the infamous babysitter. Aka JIMIN...shit!

Jimin: " Well hello there Cinderella! Where are you off to so early, its not even twelve o clock yet! "

I grunted and tried pushing him away but of course that didn't worked. He simply picked me up and threw me on top of his shoulder.

How rude...

Y/n: " Yah, Jimin let go of me. I'm so done with all of you picking me up every now and then. "

I started wriggling my feet which seemed to hit him in the stomach and he let's out a frustrated groan but didn't budged though.

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