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Author's Pov–

The atmosphere in Y/n's cabin was tense and uneasy. The boys had rushed back to the hospital after Jungkook's call, the urgency in his voice unmistakable. Now, they stood around Y/n's bed, a mixture of anger, concern, and frustration etched on their faces. The medical team had just finished assessing her condition, ensuring she was stable and safe.

Hoseok paced the room, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. His normally bright and cheerful demeanor was replaced by a stormy expression, reflecting the turmoil within him.

Hoseok: (angrily) "Is there no one we can trust nowadays?!"

The question hung in the air, the weight of the situation settling over them. Nurse Jeon's betrayal had shaken them all, the realization that someone so close could pose such a threat was a bitter pill to swallow.

Namjoon sighed heavily and rubbed his temples. He glanced at Y/n, who sat on the bed with a pale face, her wrist bandaged and a fresh IV drip attached. Despite everything, she managed a small, reassuring smile, trying to ease the tension.

Namjoon: (calmly) "We need to be more careful. This wasn't just a random attack; she knew what she was doing."

Taehyung: (softly) "But why? What could she have wanted with Y/n?"

Jimin: " Could it be all connected? She was someone working for that man. "

The room fell silent, everyone deep in thought. They had always been careful about their own secrets, but this incident had brought a harsh reality to the forefront: Y/n was now a target, someone wanted her dead and do damage to them too, and they had no idea why. Jungkook, still shaken from the encounter, leaned against the wall, his arms crossed tightly over his chest.

Jungkook: (quietly) "I don't know, but whatever it is, we can't let our guard down."

Jin, who had been standing quietly by the window, turned to face the group. His expression was serious, a rare sight for someone usually so composed and light-hearted.

Jin: (firmly) "We need to keep a closer eye on her. We can't afford another incident like this."

Y/n listened to the conversation, her heart heavy with the weight of her own secrets. She knows the boys were involved in dangerous business—Mafia, to be exact. And they had enemies, and she did too. Which they didn't knew of yet. But whoever the person is for this case wants both sides destroyed. Why? Y/n couldn't come to a conclusion for that. She still wasn't ready to tell the boys about her real identity, and hoped they don't find it any time soon.

Jimin: (gently) "Y/n, how are you feeling?"

He placed a hand on her shoulder, Y/n looked up at Jimin, his eyes filled with concern. She could see that he, like the others, was trying hard to be there for her, even though their relationship had been strained in the past.

Y/N: (softly) "I'm okay, just...I didn't expect it from her. But I told you there were something wrong. I bet the there was something in the foods she's been giving me too..."

The boys nodded, understanding the shock she must be feeling. They exchanged glances, a silent agreement passing between them: they would protect her, no matter what. Their newfound care for Y/n was genuine, and while they might not be the most expressive or affectionate, their actions spoke volumes.

Yoongi: (gruffly) "We'll make sure you're safe. No one messes with our family."

The word "family" hung in the air, a reminder of the bond that was slowly forming between them. Y/n stayed silent at his words. Despite their rocky start, they were starting to care for her, and she for them.

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