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Author's Pov–


Jin: " Where is she? "

Jin asks once he saw Yoongi coming downstairs with a poker face.

Hoseok and Y/n's chairs were empty as both of them weren't present. One for injury another one for stubbornness!

Yoongi: " You don't need to worry, she's..fine. "

Jin: " Then why's she is not here? Is she nagging about not eating?"

Yoongi: " She did and started blabbering about leaving again so I locked her in my room. "

He said while showing the keys.

Jungkook: " You gave her your room? "

Yopngi: " I didn't gave her my room, she'll be locked up in there for today, Jin hyung...can I be your roommate for the day?! "

Jin sighed but nodded and called one of the maids to send her the breakfast upstairs.

Yoongi: " How's Hoseok? "

Hoseok: " Alive..."

He spoke from the other end of the room making everyone turn towards him. He stood with a tired yet reassuring smile on his face, leaning against the wall for support.

Jimin was the first to get out of his seat and reach him as he
supported him to walk and made him seat on his chair.

That left one chair still empty...

Yoongi smiled back at his brother and so does the others.

Yoongi: " Feeling alright? "

Hoseok: " Yeah..yeah, I'm good. "

He gave him a thumbs up for himself and settled in his seat.

There was a long white bandage on the left side of his chest that reached to his collarbone, making it still visible from under his shirt.

Hoseok finally noticed the empty chair beside Jungkook and frowned.

Hoseok: " Where is Y/n? "

The group fell silent as Yoongi shifted on his seat.

Hoseok: " What happened? "

He asked again, getting a bit impatient this time.

Taehyung: " Hyung, you're seriously worried about her where she got you shot- "

Jin: " We went through this Taehyung, give it a rest. "

The elder one warned as Taehyung became quite immediately.

Hoseok: " She was acting stubborn, but I don't believe you all heard that even after I told her the attackers would aim for the driver, she still didn't let me drive. She knew what she was doing. "

The table fell into a hushed silence once again. This time the depths of Hoseok's words made everyone do a double take.

Taehyung: " I bet she didn't heard you right hyung..."

Namjoon: " She's not deaf unlike you."

He replied a bit aggressively to the younger one.

Y/n's Pov -


I had taken a shower against my own will by myself. But couldn't use anything else except for the bodywash as I don't want to have a hair fall and rough skin after using male facewash and shampoo!

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