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Y/n's Pov–


As we finished up dinner, Jin cleared his throat, drawing everyone’s attention. The table fell silent, and I could tell he had something important to say. He glanced around at the maknaes—Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, and me—before continuing.

Jin: "Alright, since your guys' week tests are here and you all lack seriousness in your studies, I’ve assigned each of you a study-monitor to help you out tonight."

Jin announced. The four of us exchanged nervous glances. Taehyung and Junglook gulped hardly in sync, Jimin was chewing on his bottom lips and I bit the inside of my cheecks. What a quad...

He pointed to Jungkook first.

Jin: "Jungkook, you’ll be with Namjoon. Make sure you get through those chemistry notes."

Jungkook didn’t had any choice so he nodded, looking both uninterested and anxious.

Jin: "Taehyung,"

Jin continued,

Jin: "You’ll be with me. We’ll tackle your history review."

Taehyung gave a thumbs up, though his face said otherwise as he tried to give a forced smile.

Jin turned to Jimin next.

Jin: "You, you’re with Yoongi. You guys can go over your biology problems."

Jimin nodded emotionlessly.

Finally, Jin looked at me.

Jin: "Y/n, you’re with Hoseok. He’ll help you with your literature studies."

I gave a small nod, glancing over at Hoseok, who gave me a reassuring smile.

As dinner wound down and we finished up our conversations, I followed Hoseok to his room, where he had set up a space for studying.

The room was quiet, and he seemed to have already prepared for our study session, with notes and textbooks neatly arranged on his desk.

Now, as I sit here trying to focus on the reading material, the soft hum of Hoseok's computer is the only sound that accompanies my frustration. Despite my best efforts, the material just isn’t holding my attention.

Hoseok is quietly flipping through some papers, completely focused, while I try to keep my eyes on the text in front of me. It's hard to concentrate when all I can think about is how much I'd rather be anywhere else, doing anything else.

Hoseok: "Y/n, are you even readying?"

Hoseok's voice cuts through my thoughts, bringing me back to reality.

I blink and glance up at him, caught.

Y/n: "Uh, yeah... I mean, sort of."

He raises an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. I've seen he can be a total scary-dude if he's assigned to a responsibility. That too by Jin himself.

Hoseok: "Sort of isn’t going to help you pass."

I sigh, leaning back in the chair.

Y/n: "I know, but this is just so boring..."

He doesn't respond right away, just keeps looking at me with that calm, unreadable expression of his. Then he pushes the papers aside and leans back in his own chair, crossing his arms.

Hoseok: "Studying isn’t fun for anyone, but you need to stay focused. How about this, we get through one more chapter, and then you can take a break. Deal?"

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