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Y/n's Pov–

I wake up to a gentle shake, feeling like I’m being pulled from the deepest sleep ever. I groggily blink my eyes open, only to see Hoseok leaning over me.

Hoseok: “Y/n, come on, it’s time to get up,”

He says, his voice gentle but firm.

I groan, trying to burrow deeper into the blankets.

Y/n: “Five more minutes…”

Hoseok sighs, shaking his head.

Hoseok: “Nope, no more minutes. You’ve already slept through the first alarm, and we’ve got to get ready for college. Come on, sleepyhead, up you go.”

He gives me another nudge, this time a bit more insistent. I finally manage to sit up, rubbing my eyes and feeling the weight of sleep still clinging to me. I glance around, confused at first, but then I remember—Hoseok must have stayed with me last night after I accidentally dozed off in his room.

Hoseok: “Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep here.”

I mumble, still half-asleep.

Hoseok just smiles.

Hoseok: “It’s fine, Y/n. But now you’ve got to get to your room and get ready, or we’ll both be late.”

With a heavy sigh, I swing my legs over the side of the bed and slowly stand up, feeling the reluctance of my sleepy muscles. Hoseok watches me with a mix of amusement and encouragement, waiting until I’m fully on my feet before gently guiding me towards the door.

Hoseok: “Go on, get ready. I’ll see you downstairs,”

He says, giving me a light push towards my room.

I nod, still trying to shake off the drowsiness as I head down the hallway. Once I’m in my room, I quickly change into my uniform, the routine helping to wake me up a bit more. By the time I’m dressed and ready, I feel somewhat human again.

Downstairs, the others are already starting to gather, everyone moving at their own pace to get ready for the day.

Jin made it very clear that no one heads out without having breakfast so we were eventually forced on our cereals and apple.

We all pile into the car with Jin at the wheel and Namjoon navigating, just like always. I sit between Jimin and Jungkook, who’s still half-asleep, leaning his head against the window.

As the car pulls out of the driveway, I lean back in my seat, finally feeling fully awake. Seeing him I felt my leftover sleepiness lurk in again as I leaned against Jimin, almost falling asleep, again. But got jerked up as he nudged me every now and then.

The rest of the ride is filled with the usual chatter and banter. Jimin is teasing Taehyung about something he can barely remember from last night, and Jungkook is still trying to wake up completely. Namjoon is giving Jin directions, but Jin insists he knows the way.

Jimin: " By the way, Y/n. There's a hit-round for the Taekwondo championship, after classes. The final decisions been made in quite a hurry so..."

I was yawning and looking aimlessly outside the window but his words made me jerk out from my haze.

Y/n: " Today?! I just talked with you yesterday and today's the selection? I haven't even stretched in like–what, a week! "

Jimin looked guilty but I doubt he can do anything that'll make a difference in the moment.

Jimin: " I mean, if its hard for you and you cant get selected then– you don't compete. I believe it'll be better anyway Y/n, I don't think you're fit enough to compete. "

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