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Jimin's POV:

I slammed the door behind me, the sound echoing through the hallway. My heart was pounding so hard it felt like it might burst from my chest. The room was dark, the curtains drawn tight, and I wanted nothing more than to be alone in this suffocating silence.

I stumbled to the bed, my mind a whirlwind of anger, confusion, and hurt. I dropped onto the mattress, staring blankly at the ceiling, trying to make sense of everything that had just happened. The words Y/n had said, the look in her eyes, the way she'd reached out to me-it all replayed in my mind, a relentless loop of pain and betrayal.

How could she?

I whispered to the empty room, my voice barely audible. I felt a deep, gnawing pain in my chest, something I couldn't easily articulate. It was as if the ground had shifted beneath me, and I was struggling to find my footing. She'd been hiding something so monumental, so contrary to everything I believed about her.

I sat up, my hands running through my hair in frustration. The darkness of the room mirrored the turmoil inside me, a chaos I couldn't escape. I couldn't shake the image of her tear-streaked face, the desperation in her voice. It made my heart ache, but it also made me furious. She's an agent. A damn agent...

The words sounded foreign on my lips, a harsh reality that I wasn't ready to accept. It felt like a betrayal, not just of me, but of everything we'd shared, everything we'd built together. I wanted to be angry, to lash out, but all I could do was sit here, consumed by the storm of emotions.

I paced the room, trying to calm the frantic thoughts racing through my head. I wanted to understand, to piece together the reasons why Y/n had kept this secret from us. But no matter how much I tried, the anger and hurt overshadowed any rational thought. Why didn't she tell us?

The question was simple, but the answer seemed elusive. How could she have kept something so important hidden? I thought we were close, that we trusted each other completely. Yet, here we were, with the foundation of our relationship shattered.

I walked over to the window, pulling back the curtain slightly to look out at the night. The darkness outside mirrored the confusion I felt inside. The city lights were distant, almost comforting in their permanence, but they did nothing to ease the turmoil in my heart. What do I do now?

I leaned my forehead against the cool glass, trying to steady my racing thoughts. The noise of the house seemed miles away, a distant echo compared to the chaos in my mind. I felt so isolated, so alone, even though I knew the others were just downstairs, trying to deal with their own confusion.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm within me. I needed to find some clarity, to make sense of this mess. But every time I tried, the image of Y/n's tearful face, her plea for understanding, came crashing back.

I wasn't sure if I could find it in myself to forgive her, to bridge the gap that had suddenly appeared between us. The hurt was too fresh, too raw, and the trust that had been so firmly in place felt like it had been torn away.

I sat on the edge of the bed, the darkness of the room pressing in on me. I needed time, but I also needed answers. I needed to understand why Y/n had kept such a crucial part of herself hidden. Until then, all I could do was wrestle with the confusion and hurt, hoping that eventually, the pain would give way to some form of understanding.

Author's Pov-

The living room was eerily quiet after Jin managed to send Y/n to her room. The remaining six brothers sat in the living room, each of them grappling with the turmoil of the past few hours. The weight of Y/n's revelation hung heavily over us, a dense fog of confusion and hurt.

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