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Author's Pov–

The boys' relieved faces fell at the nurse's update.

Nurse Jeon: " I suggest you all to go home sir, We need to keep her in the ICU overnight and operate. But I can't give you my words that we'll be able to move her to the postoperative cabin tomorrow. And before that, I can't allow anyone inside. "

Jin: " Was the injury that severed? "

The nurse nods.

Nurse Jeon: " Injuries actually. She had a deep stab wound to the abdomen and a severed radial artery. At the first look of her wrist we thought it was a suicide attempt but then we realised how deep the cut was. It's not possible for someone to cut themselves like that. Fortunately it didn't cut directly through her veins, we would've lost her then..."

The boys casted each other a look. Relieved but still concerned.

Namjoon: " Will there be any after effects? Anything severe? "

The nurse thinks thoroughly before answering.

Nurse Jeon: " She may face loss of functions in her hand. The cut affected the tendons, so she'll have difficulty with gripping and doing stuffs with her hand. She needed in total of twelve stitches, six on each. The wound on her abdomen is deeper than the wrist, she may not be able to walk freely after she wakes up. "

Namjoon was getting anxious at every words of the nurse but kept his cool. Taehyung wanted to just dissappear than hear anything else, Jin and Yoongi listened intently while sharing glances at each other. Hoseok had a frown in his face, Jungkook had his hand over Jimin who was shifting impatiently in his seat while breathing heavily.

The nurse asked someone to do the paperwork and Namjoon followed her to the other end of the hall.

The door opens revealing Y/n's unconscious body as the team moves her carefully, transferring her to a gurney for transport to the ICU. Her face is pale, lips tinged blue, but the doctors has done everything they can to save her.

Jin had to hold Jimin by the arm to prevent him from approaching her.

Jin: " Have patience Jimin..."

Taehyung stared at her pale form for a while. Heart beating fast, hands still trembling.

Yoongi: " It's time we take action, this is going too far..."

Jin looked up to him from his seat. Frustration and tiredness palpable on his face.

Jin: " We'll interrogate the man. I believe the wedding incident, restaurant attack and tonight's are all interconnected..."

Hoseok: " We should've done something in the first day after the wedding, we might have gotten a track by now. "

Jin: " We didn't had any source back then, but now we do and we won't waste time anymore...I'll stay the night here you all can head back home. "

Namjoon made his way towards them after doing the paperwork.

Namjoon: " We should head back now, it's already dawn. 4:45 "

He looked at his wristwatch before speaking.

Jin: " (sigh) Yeah, we probably should..."

He said getting up from his seat and approached Taehyung who still wasn't out from his haze.

Jin: " Taehyung...we have to go now, come on. "

He made him stand on his feet, wrapping an arm around his shoulder as he lead him out of the hospital.

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