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Y/n's Pov–

The nine of us were chatting and having a lively conversation. Jungkook and I messed with each other from time to time as he was ruffling my hair and Jin had to scold us every two minutes to stop.

Amidst the chaotic surrounding I thought of asking them a certain question, again. I've been trying to get the hang of it but the timing seemed to be terrible in there.

Y/n: " Did mom called? "

The laughter died down as everyone averted their attention towards me.

Namjoon: " No, not last night. The time zone is quite messed up. The last time she did, you were still unconscious. We tried calling her two more times but it said the network's out of service. "

I nodded. I appreciate the jdea of them not telling mom. She would've worry but couldn't come back, and it would've added to her even more.

Y/n: " I really really want to go home. Its getting boring in here. "

Yoongi: " Two more days..."

He said in a singsong voice. Two more days, more like two years!

I shifted restlessly on my bed, wincing as it still hurts to move. Rebecca was the first to notice and got up from her seat to help me sit properly.

Rebecca: " Careful, there. "

Y/n: " Thanks..(sigh)..I'm bored! "

Jungkook: " Oi, you keep complaining every two seconds! "

I looked at him and frown.

Y/n: " Because I really am. Its not that I don't enjoy the companies but its just– I feel like a child! Always on my bed, had to be fed and's a pain in the ass! "

Jin gave me a glare, clearly not pleased with my choice of words. Taehyung, Jungkook and Rebecca laughed and I noticed Jimin watching her without blinking.

Y/n: " You'll catch a fly in your eyes, Jimin. Blink a bit..."

He looked startled for a bit but gave me a look once he got what I meant. Rebecca looked away, cheecks flushing again and Jungkook, Taehyung and I shared a knowing glance, snickering silently.

Hoseok: " Yah! Jimin, you should join the hyung line instead, the three maknaes have started to make fun of you! "

He giggled and Jimin gave him a sour look and attempted to smack Jungkook but he ditched, still cracking up.

The cheerful atmosphere in the room was interrupted when the door swung open, and a nurse entered, followed closely by Dr. Shin. H doctor had a broad grin on his face, his demeanor exuding a mix of professionalism and warmth.

Dr. Shin: "Evening, everyone. Y/N, how are you doing?"

I straightened up in her bed, my expression brightening at the sight of the doctor.

Y/n: "Evening, Dr. Shin. I’m doing well, actually."

Dr. Shin’s grin widened as he approached her bedside, his eyes twinkling with good news.

Dr. Shin: "I’m glad to hear that. I have some excellent news for you."

The room fell silent with anticipation as Dr. Shin continued.

Dr. Shin: "Considering your condition and the fact that you’ve made such a remarkable recovery in just a short time, we’ve decided that you’re doing incredibly well. Your progress has been quite impressive."

Yoongi, who had been leaning against the wall, looked at Dr. Shin with interest.

Yoongi: "So, what does that mean for Y/n’s recovery?"

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