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I felt myself standing practically frozen on my spot as Hoseok's bloodied figure feel on top of me. I somehow managed to hold him in place as Jungkook and Taehyung got him away from me and hurried inside the car.

I turned my head around and spotted a figure with a sniper pointing the muzzle towards me!

He had probably missed the first time and shot Hoseok on the chest instead as he was in front of me. Whether the bullet should've hitted me in the back...

I still didn't moved from my spot so Jin shoved me inside the car and tried to snatch the car keys but Taehyung stopped him.

Taehyung: " No, why not now?! You got him fucking shot for your stupid argument.! "

He spat angrily, eyes turning red.

Hoseok was placed on the back seat with Jungkook and Taehyung.

Jungkook pressed his hand over his chest to stop the blood but it kept flowing uncontrollably, making his pale hand streaked with blood.

Jimin was biting his lips to control himself as he had his head turned behind, holding Hoseok's hand tightly.

I found myself staring at the scene with a blank expression my brain wasn't cooperating.

Jin: " Get in, Y/n...QUICK! "

He pushed me on the driving seat and settled himself and Namjoon on the back and Yoongi sat on the passenger seat.

I gulped and looked down at my hands which also had his blood on it.

Jungkook: " Start the fucking car or do you wanna kill all of us?! "

He yelled from the back.

My hands trembled as I gripped the steering wheel, the weight of Hoseok's blood making them slippery. The urgency in Jungkook's voice snapped me out of my daze. My foot slammed on the accelerator, and the car lurched forward with a jolt.

The night blurred around us as we sped through the dark streets. I glanced in the rearview mirror – the attackers' headlights were gaining on us, their vehicles roaring with fury.

My heart pounded in my chest. I took a deep breath, trying to focus. The city streets were a maze of sharp turns and narrow alleys, and I had to navigate them at breakneck speed.

The car fishtailed as I took a sharp right turn, the tires screeching against the asphalt. I heard groans from the back seat as the sudden movement jostled everyone. Jungkook was pressing harder on Hoseok's wound, the blood soaking through his fingers and dripping onto the seat.

I looked away from the front mirror, I already feel guilty enough....

Yoongi leaned forward from the passenger seat, his eyes scanning for any possible escape routes. He pointed to a narrow alley up ahead, and I turned sharply, narrowly avoiding a collision with a parked car.

The alley was even tighter than the streets, and I had to thread the needle, swerving between dumpsters and debris. The attackers were relentless, their cars still on our tail, their headlights casting ominous shadows on the walls.

I pushed the car to its limits, taking another risky turn onto a main road. The sudden burst of speed caused the car to skid, and I fought to regain control. Sweat dripped down my forehead, mixing with the blood on my hands.

Suddenly few loud gunshots were heard, hitting the metal of the car on the back. I gripped harder to the steering wheel, hands still slipping from the blood. The metallic smell of blood has filled the whole car, making it hard for me to concentrate, a haunting reminder to the event that took place...

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