A Small Chocolate Cake

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The guards marched slowly, carrying seven coffins. Spirits lined the streets, crowding around, trying to push past the guards to get a better view. We followed behind, slowly walking and following the guards, ignoring the screams from the crowd of spirits on the streets. All the guards had a black shawl wrapped around their arms. The rest of us wore black clothing as a sign of mourning - the boys in suits while us girls wore dark, ankle lenght dresses. All of us wore a long cloak that was held up by a golden pin, shaped in the organization's crest, over our hearts. I felt nothing as I kept walking, one hand clutching Ryan's tighly, and the other holding a cluster of small white flowers. No one said a word as we followed the guards, walking along the paved streets of the city.

Finally the march was over. We emereged in a small beach, in front of the Spirit World's large river. The guards placed the coffins on the sand and opened them, showing the bodies inside.

My breath hitched as I saw the first two women in the coffins. One was Celeste. Beautiful and glowing, our guardian elf was dressed in a long white dress, blue and gold ribbons wrapped around her waist. Her long elf ears were pierced and adorned in beatiful flower shaped earings, and a wreath of flowers was placed around her head.
My mother on the other hand, wore no jewelery. She was dressed in the organization's traditional fighting gear, hands placed on her stomach and her bow placed in the coffin with her. Both of them looked so beautiful and peaceful, their eyes closed and hand over their chests.
The other five coffins contained the bodies of the desceased Five Elders. The current laders of the organizatin that had perished in the night pixie attack. All of them dressed in their golden robes, hands over their chests, and a different weapon placed in each of their coffins.

After Tenebris had escaped, we had used teleporters to try and find all the desceased who fell before the Dark Lord, helping other spirits find their loved ones' bodies, while trying to gather the bodies of our own loved ones. Memebers of the organization pitched in to help, re-uniting many families together. In the last two days, there have been multiple funerals across the entire city. Now finally, we had the time for a funeral ceremony for Celeste, my mother, and thanks to the members of the organization, the Five Elders.

There was no speech, no burial, no sad music, nothing. Everyone just stood on the beach, watching the coffins, unsure of what to do.
Then, the first person to step forward was Aelius. Dressed in long, dark robes, the master of all elements walked towards the coffins and placed a single white flower in each. Then he whispered something under his breath and touched the edge of each coffin, as if saying goodbye. He smiled and turned around. One by one, people stepped forward, each placing a single white flower in the coffins and muttering goodbyes under their breaths. Almost every single member of the organization was present. All of them dressed in dark colored clothes, and the organization's crest over their hearts. Carl and Bethany, then our two remaining guardians, dressed in black tunics. Silver and Luna were both red eyed from crying so much and they both almost broke down when they stepped in front of the coffins. We waited patiently, letting them say goodbye at their own pace. Silver and Luna placed their flowers in the coffins and said their farewells. Once they stepped away, our parents walked forward. They did the same as everyone else, but I could see them hesitating before stepping away from the coffins. My father was the last. He bent down and gently kissed my mother on the forehead, before whispering something under his breath. He touched the coffin and walked away.

Finally it was our turn. Same as everyone else, we went through the same ritual, placing a flower and mumbling mournful goodbyes. I dropped a flower over Celeste's coffin.

"Thank you for saving me..." I breathed. Remembering the words she had whispered in the cave, her very last words, I smiled. "Pro domo norstra et familias nostra." I said. For our home and our families.

Noami And The Ten Chosen - Part One : The Dark ReignWhere stories live. Discover now