Chapter 112: Guarding

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Chapter 112: Guarding

Under the guidance of the raven, Gu Xi quickly arrived at his defense area, which was an open space located in the southwest corner of the Dispersed Immortal Garden.

Behind him was a functional building, and in front of him was an open area about the size of a football field.

This was the area assigned to Gu Xi, called District C6, and Gu Xi's task was simple: to prevent any enemy from passing through the open space in front and attacking the building behind.

As long as he could defend this building, there was nothing else for Gu Xi to worry about.

"Hey, newcomer, what's your name?"

After getting into position, before Gu Xi had time to deploy his soldiers, a voice came from a distance.

Gu Xi looked up and saw a fully black armored figure standing not far away. The voice came from within the armor.

However, the armor seemed too large for the person inside, as Gu Xi couldn't see their face.

"And you are?"

"Death Knight Du Wushuang, responsible for cooperating and fighting alongside you."

The armored figure tried to turn their head, "Please rest assured, I am a level 4 Death Knight, with enough combat power to protect your safety in battle."

"I never worry about my safety."

Gu Xi was already seated on the evil coffin, but this time he didn't wrap himself in the blanket. Instead, he pointed with his hand, opening the gate of the City of Death.

At this moment, the gate of the City of Death had undergone some changes. Reinforced sections made of thick bones appeared at the front and back of the gate, and a ten-meter-high flagpole appeared above the gate.

Gu Xi's empty battle flag was hanging on the flagpole.

Although it was a white flag, the thumbs-up on the flag still indicated Gu Xi's identity as a chief.

Although he was only the chief graduate of the academy, that was enough.

To Du Wushuang's astonishment, a large number of undead troops began to march out.

After the last big battle, Gu Xi's combat power had been comprehensively improved, especially the Bone-cutting Battalion and the two combat squads of skeleton soldiers, newly equipped with full armor seized from ghost soldiers.

"Bone-cutting Battalion, 196 people; Combat Squad 1, 46 people; Combat Squad 2, 49 people; Skeleton Archers, 209 people; Zombies, 59; Ghosts, 52."

As his troops marched out, Gu Xi was already calculating in his mind.

After delivering the transported undead to the city lord, the remaining floating undead were allocated to Gu Xi.

Without Gu Xi needing to explain, Luna had already organized everything for him.

The skeleton soldiers were distributed among the three battalions, and the skeleton archers, zombies, and ghosts were gathered together.

Although they had not yet been battle-tested and honed, their numbers were already sufficient.

With a total of six hundred undead soldiers, the lowest level was 3, and the highest level ghosts had reached level 7. Such combat power was significant even in the Dispersed Immortal Garden.

Seeing Gu Xi's undead troops standing on the open ground ahead, Du Wushuang was stunned.

"The number of your troops..."

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