Chapter 125: Choosing Professional Skills

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Chapter 125: Choosing Professional Skills

Without finding a suitable passive skill, Gu Xi turned his attention to the professional skills.

This time, there were many more skill books here.

Most of these were skills that a necromancer should learn, such as [Corpse Explosion] as an upgrade from [Minor Corpse Explosion], [Bone Spear] from [Bone Spike], and [Bone Cage] from [Bone Shield].

There were also some new skills, like [Poison Cloud] and [Weakening Curse].

Additionally, there were skills specifically designed to enhance the undead, such as [Necromantic Experimentation] and [Undead Evolution].

It could be said that there were far more skills here than in the previous selection.

Gu Xi chose with a focus on what he could use.

He had three merit points left, so Gu Xi had to consider his choices carefully.

In terms of professional skills, Gu Xi needed a powerful killing move since he couldn't call upon Death Incarnate every time he encountered an enemy.

Using such a skill that drained all his mana wasn't a proper big move; it was a desperate measure.

Thus, Gu Xi needed a big move that could kill in one hit.

Besides that, Gu Xi needed a control skill, and for the last skill, he aimed to enhance the combat power of his summoned undead.

Most of the good skill books had already been picked.

Gu Xi sifted through the remaining books and finally chose three professional skills that suited his needs.

[Bone Storm Level 1 (0/100), costs 15 mana, creates a storm of bone shards at a designated location, dealing 180% of your attack power as damage to all enemies within 10 seconds.]

This was the big move Gu Xi chose. He had heard about this skill before. Although the designated area was not large, with a maximum diameter of about five meters, everything within this range would be equally affected.

It was a great equalizer.

The most important part was that as long as Gu Xi had enough mana, he could keep using it and could even stack the effect in one place.

In other words, the power and effect could overlap. If Gu Xi's hand speed was fast enough, stacking Bone Storm four to five times in the same spot should be no problem.

No matter how strong the enemy's vitality was, they couldn't withstand the comprehensive attack of Bone Storm, making it a very useful big move.

[Deadly Vines Level 1 (0/100), costs 5 mana, creates a mass of flesh tendrils or bone arms at a designated location, dragging all enemies stepping onto it, with a chance to poison, stun, or curse them.]

This was the control skill Gu Xi chose. The range of Deadly Vines was much larger than that of Bone Storm.

The most important part was that Gu Xi could change the shape of the Deadly Vines' range. Whether horizontally, vertically, or in a circle, it was up to him.

Any enemy stepping into this area would be affected, possibly getting poisoned or stunned.

This skill mainly aimed to slow down the enemy's advance, preventing them from quickly moving through the area.

If combined with Gu Xi's troops or directly followed up with Bone Storm or Corpse Explosion, it would be quite effective.

The last skill was for enhancing his summoned undead.

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