Chapter 93: First Battle

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Chapter 93: First Battle

Just out of the Cold Ice Valley, Gu Xi felt the biting cold wind hitting his face. He shrank his body into the quilt, glanced at the direction, and let the evil coffin move forward on its own.

He wrapped himself up completely and half-lay on the evil coffin, hoping the cold wind wouldn’t blow him away.

Outside the Cold Ice Valley, the ground was frozen solid, with thick snow occasionally visible, and the streams were layered with ice. From time to time, frozen fish could be seen leaping on the surface of the stream.

In the wilderness, there was a somewhat noticeable road. On this road, some wild beasts with white fur could be seen wandering around.

These beasts seemed to be influenced by something. As soon as they detected any unusual movement on the road, they would actively come to investigate and even follow to attack.

Seeing Gu Xi riding a coffin moving, they weren’t unfamiliar with such a sight. Not long after, a group of wild wolves appeared behind Gu Xi, sneakily following him.

Ready to attack at any time.

Gu Xi had actually noticed the situation behind him as soon as he left the city, but he ignored it.

Now Gu Xi was alone. The evil coffin moved quickly without consuming his energy. He could easily outdistance the wild wolves by charging forward.

Letting them run a bit more, waiting for a larger number of wild wolves to gather, Gu Xi would then release his undead troops.

At that time, there would be a large number of corpses. Whether Gu Xi wanted to eat wolf meat or use the corpses for corpse explosion or summoning spells, there would be enough bodies.

If he showed his strength now and scared away the wild wolves, he wouldn’t get much benefit.

Therefore, Gu Xi only sped up the movement, letting the evil coffin fly faster.

Seeing Gu Xi speed up, the wild wolves no longer sneaked behind. They jumped out of the wilderness and chased after him, howling occasionally, as if contacting companions or preparing to surround him.

If it were an ordinary person, they would have been scared to death by such a situation.

But which necromancer walking in this world wouldn’t be used to this? The undead they carried with them didn’t know fatigue or morale.

Such small tactics were nothing to a necromancer.

Most of the wild wolves had also become smarter. Seeing necromancers with their undead minions, they wouldn’t easily attack.

Today, it was because they saw that Gu Xi was alone that they decided to attack him.

However, they didn’t know that Gu Xi was alone not because he had no minions, but because he had other means.

Seeing more and more wild wolves behind him, Gu Xi smiled.

“Just arrived and already have a batch of gains. As expected, necromancers grow through battles.”

Gu Xi murmured while looking back at the increasing number of wild wolves.

When the number of wild wolves reached about three hundred, Gu Xi heavily slapped the coffin lid. The evil coffin made a sharp turn, changing direction to charge towards the wild wolves.

The wild wolves chasing behind were stunned by this move.

They never expected Gu Xi to be so brave, charging towards them alone. This was something only those called Death Knights would do.

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