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    "It's... you..." (Y/N) muttered as she stared at the demon in front of her, he looking the same as he did all those years ago.

    The kanji for two was written within his rainbow-colored eyes, meaning that he was part of the Twelve Kizuki. His blonde hair flared out at his shoulders before draping down his back in a thinning spiral, covered by a crown-like hat that he wore sporting golden tassels. His clothing consisted of a blood-red turtleneck-like shirt that seemed to be dripping with a black substance along with a green and golden belt securing loosely fitting hakama pants of pinstriped design.

    The smirk that decorated his pale face would have been handsome, but she knew.

    She knew what he was.

    "Oh?" He tilted his head when he heard her, blinking his eyes a few times as he tapped his fan against his chin. "Do we know each other?"

    "No..." she shook her head with a disgusted scoff as she unsheathed her sword and held it out in front of her, the red blade shining menacingly under the light of the moon. "We don't know each other at all... but I do have some business with you, motherfucker."

    "That means we do know each other!"

    "...you probably don't remember, do you?" She closed her eyes in disbelief for a half second before opening them again. "Why would you? My family was worthless in your eyes. They weren't even food to you. You just left them there to rot. And when I came home... when I saw what you had done, just standing there reveling in your chaos... when I cried for them... you laughed."

    "Hm... that instance doesn't really stand out..." he trailed off, placing a finger to his lips.

    In an instant, his fan was out in front of him, defending himself against (Y/N)'s blade that she had swung down at him after speeding across the span of the space between them in the blink of an eye. As she stood there in front of him, her muscles straining to bring the blade down farther whilst her (E/C) gaze shone with a thirst for blood, the demon's smile broadened before he pushed her back.

    "Now I know what you're talking about!" He laughed in amusement as he circled her. "You were that child, weren't you? I remember your eyes... the way your (E/C) eyes almost shone red... it was such a beautiful sight that I had to let you live."

    "Shut the fuck up, bitch," she snarled.

    "What were the words that you said...?" He continued, ignoring her demands. "That you'd hunt me down? That you'd kill me? Oh my... even now I'm getting chills just remembering it..."

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