↳( yandere kny x fem! reader )
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➥ 𝐈𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡, a girl is overtaken with the desire to be the best and overcome any obstacle - human or demon - that stands in her way, unknowingly attracting s...
► Percentages between 1 and 25 mean the character is interested in you. The closer to 25, the more interest they have !
► Percentages between 25 and 50 mean the character considers you a close friend and compatriot. The closer to 50, the more faith and trust they have for you !
► Percentages between 50 and 75 mean the character is completely in love. Couples within this range usually have a healthy relationship !
► CAUTION: Percentages above 75 mean the character is dangerously obsessed. Beware of these characters, and do not let the percentage reach 100 !
► DANGER: Percentages at 100 mean the character is psychopathically attached and fixated. Stay away from these characters at all cost !
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