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    Sitting down on the bed of the room that Shinobu had led her to, (Y/N) ran her hands through her (H/C) hair in exhaustion before looking up to see that the Insecf Hashira was still standing in the doorway of the space, just loitering there as if she was waiting for something.

"What?" She raised a brow.

Shinobu merely smiled at (Y/N) before closing the door and moving to sit beside her, resting her hands on her lap with her gaze directed to the floor, staying silent for a few moments before commenting, "This must be a sign, right? You becoming a demon so recently after the existence of Nezuko-san was officially acknowledged must mean that my dream is coming true."


"My dream of being able to get along with demons."

(Y/N) scowled at her answer, the subtle shake of her head drawing Shinobu's eyes upward to meet her own, they then widening when she exclaimed, "What the hell, ya insect!? If you're mad, just say you're mad! See, this is why I don't like you! Seeing you always putting up this act of yours is really fucking annoying, especially when I can see through it so easily! That isn't your damn dream, and we both know it, so cut the shit!"


Then, a small tinkle of laughter rang throughout the space, Shinobu smiling at the other girl's words rather than frowning.

"The hell you smiling at?"

"You know, (Y/N)-san, I've always liked you because you were able to speak your mind so clearly," Shinobu stated, drawing little circles with her finger on her pants as her lips twisted into a frown of bitter resentment and anger, a fleeting glimpse of her true personality behind her usually gentle exterior, her words then descending into a mumble while her thoughts trailed off. "It might be true that I am in a constant state of anger, and I wonder if because of that, my mask is slipping. I wouldn't be surprised if it was considering both you and Tanjiro-san were able to see through me."

"Red boy has the nose of a hound dog," (Y/N) commented. "I'm not surprised."

"Yes, Tanjiro-san is quite an admirable person," she smiled softly. "And a much kinder person than me. Ever since my beloved older sister was slaughtered by a demon—by Upper Two—I have been nothing but hostile towards them even though I say I want to get along with them. Is it because she used to feel pity for such creatures? Just like Tanjiro-san does now? I don't know... but every time I see the tears of those who've lost their loved ones to a demon, every time I hear those cries of despair, the anger keeps building up inside of me and continues to swell. Even on the brink of death, my sister only felt pity for demons, while I only felt rage. You feel something like that, too, don't you?"

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