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Ya know what I've never had the pleasure to understand?
Why people can be so mean to the ones that they "love, support, & care for". I'll never get why they choose to be so hateful & mean & all around terrible.

I mean, I go to school from preschool to the 12th grade and I always tried my hardest to make sure I was making everyone else happy. Sure, it made me miserable and want to runaway from everyone & everything, but I did it for others, not myself. It drove me crazy for so long & now I finally decide to do something for myself and everything I do is still "wrong, stupid, useless" and it upsets everybody I come in contact with.

I'm not doing what I do for anyone but myself anymore. I want to be happy, not miserable. So, why must I feel so badly about the stuff I do when it is honestly making me smile more than I have in months. Why must I live by what others think of me?

Why can't people just let me be myself and make myself happy?

Why can't people find their own happiness in the things they do, instead of the things I do wrongly?

Why can't people just let others be?


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