Chapter 11

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"Li Guigu, is that your aunt and Lu Qi over there?" one of Li Guigu's friends asked, pointing in the direction of Mrs. Li and Lu Qi.

Li Guigu, the son of Mrs. Li's second brother, had been raised by their grandmother after his parents died in a car accident. As the matriarch's health declined, power had shifted to her eldest son, who struggled to lead the family. Consequently, the Li family had fallen from being a prominent second-tier family in Haishi to barely maintaining its status.

Li Guigu and Lu Qi attended the same school. Many classmates only gave Li Guigu some respect due to the family's connection to the influential Mrs. Li and her fashion empire. Today, he was out with a few of his followers from less affluent backgrounds.

Spotting his aunt and Lu Qi, Li Guigu adopted a familiar tone, "That's my aunt and Lu Qi. I'll go say hi; you guys wait here."

He couldn't resist the chance to get closer to Mrs. Li.

Leaving his eager followers behind, Li Guigu walked confidently towards them, already basking in the envy of his classmates. He imagined the day when he would officially be Mrs. Li's son, leaving his current friends far behind.

When Mrs. Li gave birth to Lu Yao, her relationship with the Li family had slightly improved. But when Lu Yao went missing and Mrs. Li was devastated, the Li family matriarch brought Li Guigu, suggesting he could be adopted to ensure Mrs. Li wouldn't lose out on inheritance. Despite Lu Yao being missing, the Li family spoke as if he were dead.

Because of this incident, Mrs. Li had severed ties with the Li family, though they pretended to be close to her in public. Those unaware of the true situation often believed their façade.

The Li family was still unaware that Lu Yao had been found and returned to the Lu family. They naively planned to bring up the adoption again at the upcoming matriarch's birthday banquet.

They saw Lu Yao as long gone, and since Mrs. Li and Mr. Lu were a remarried couple, their assets would eventually be inherited solely by Lu Qi. To them, this meant the Li family was missing out on a share of the inheritance.

Under this twisted logic, Li Guigu considered Mr. Lu and Mrs. Li's wealth as his future assets.

He viewed being adopted by Mrs. Li as a win-win situation. By blood, he was closer to her than Lu Qi, her stepson. Once adopted, he would be a legitimate heir alongside Lu Qi, ensuring the Li family wouldn't miss out on the inheritance.

As he approached, he prepared to act the part of a respectful, loving nephew.

Moreover, since his parents died in a car accident when he was very young, Mrs. Li didn't need to worry about him favoring his biological parents. When Mrs. Li grew old, he would also feel obliged to take care of her in gratitude for adopting him.

But all his delusions were based on the premise that Lu Yao was missing.

Li Guigu obediently greeted Mrs. Li and Lu Qi. Mrs. Li nodded indifferently.

Lu Yao had been blocked by a pillar earlier, so Li Guigu hadn't noticed him. As he approached and saw Mrs. Li speaking warmly to a stranger, he curiously asked about Lu Yao's identity.

Although she had cut ties with the Li family, Mrs. Li still answered him, considering Li Guigu was a junior.

When Mrs. Li introduced the boy as the long-lost Lu Yao, Li Guigu's expression twisted for a moment but quickly returned to his usual obedient and gentle demeanor.

Despite internally wishing Lu Yao were dead, Li Guigu warmly greeted him, "Hello, Lu Yao. I'm your cousin, Li Guigu. You can just call me brother."

Although Li Guigu quickly concealed his emotions, Lu Yao, who had always been sensitive to people's feelings, easily sensed Li Guigu's hostility and aversion.

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