Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

The next morning, seeing Lu Qi yawning loudly while eating breakfast, Mrs. Li asked concernedly, "Lu Qi, didn't you say you were going to sleep early last night? Why are you yawning so much today?"

Lu Qi glanced nervously at Lu Yao. If everyone knew he stayed up late studying and still lost to Lu Yao, he would be in big trouble.

He awkwardly laughed, "Maybe it's because I didn't sleep well last night."

Mrs. Li: "Then I'll have some aromatherapy sent over today. Try using it tonight to help you sleep."

Lu Qi: "Okay, I got it."

Lu Yao glanced at Lu Qi, who had faint dark circles under his eyes today.

During morning reading, when Lu Qi actually pulled out his textbook and began memorizing texts, Ye Muqing burst out laughing.

Lu Qi frowned and directly gave Ye Muqing a thump on the head.

"Keep laughing, and I'll knock your head off."

Lu Qi's hit was so hard that Ye Muqing saw stars.

He clutched his head in pain and complained, "You've already knocked it!"

Lu Qi: "Be quiet, don't disturb me while I'm studying."

Hearing this, Ye Muqing couldn't help but lean on the desk, shaking with suppressed laughter. It was too amusing to see their usually aloof Qi Ge so keen on studying.

Ye Muqing leaned on the desk, "Qi Ge, you're acting so strange now. Are you studying so hard just to win the bet with Lu Yao from a few days ago? After all, the exam is coming up."

Lu Qi rolled his eyes, "Studying is the duty of a student. What's strange about it? It's you who's always goofing off that's really strange!"

Ye Muqing: "..." If he remembered correctly, Lu Qi was also very diligent in studying the day before. This is like the pot calling the kettle black.

Ye Muqing glanced at the front row, where Lu Yao was resting his head on the desk, seemingly fast asleep.

Ye Muqing: "Qi Ge, you don't need to work so hard. Lu Yao isn't studying either. He'll probably fail to beat you anyway."

Thinking about how he had stayed up late last night, Lu Qi said, "How do you know he's not studying? It could be a trick. He might be pretending not to study during the day so he can work hard at night and beat me in the monthly exam."

Ye Muqing: "..." You guys just made a bet, didn't you? Does it need to be so dramatic? This is turning into a bit of a soap opera.

Ye Muqing: "Should I test the enemy's situation for you later?"

Lu Qi: "How do you plan to do that?"

Ye Muqing leaned in and whispered a few words into his ear.

Lu Qi looked at him in surprise, "When did you become so smart?"

Ye Muqing: "......" He held back his irritation! Life is like a play; it's fate that brings us together. Getting angry over small matters isn't worth it when you think about it.

Ye Muqing repeatedly recited his family's traditional rulebook, the "No Anger Song," before he could barely control his anger.

At the end of the class, as Lu Yao lifted his head from his desk, Ye Muqing approached with a workbook.

Ye Muqing: "Lu Yao, our two desks used to be part of the same study group. Now that you've transferred, you're naturally a member of our group as well. As the group leader, I need to assess the members' academic levels to better facilitate mutual assistance. This workbook mainly contains math and science questions. Please complete it and hand it over to me today."

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