Chapter 72

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Chapter 72

The smell of barbecue filled the air.


The moment the meat was placed on the grill, it made an enticing sound.

Neil sniffed the aroma of the barbecue in the air, propping his chin on his hand, looking dejected as he poked at the rice and fried egg in his bowl.

Seeing his pitiful state, the chubby director couldn't help but tease him, "Neil, would you like some barbecue?"

Neil's eyes instantly lit up, and he looked up at the director with hope, "Can I still eat even though I'm the last?"

The chubby director replied, "According to the rules, the last place doesn't get to enjoy the barbecue."

Seeing Neil's face fall again, the chubby director added with a smile, "But you can make a deal with the show team like Chen Mantu's team did last time. If you complete the show team's task, you can enjoy the delicious barbecue like them."

Xia Yue looked at the fried egg and rice with a lack of appetite. Hearing the chubby director's suggestion, she immediately spoke up, "I agree with the show's proposal."

Liu Gang and Neil also nodded in agreement.

The chubby director retrieved a box from behind him and said with a smile, "Each of you will draw a task card from the box. As long as you complete the task on the card, you'll qualify to eat the barbecue."

Neil immediately raised his hand high, "I'll go first."

Neil drew a card from the box and, seeing the task on it, grinned widely.

Neil held up the task card and said, "I just need to sing a complete song, right?"

The chubby director nodded, "Yes, you're lucky; you drew the easiest task."

Neil ran over to an empty spot next to Lu Yao and began singing a foreign song that everyone found incomprehensible.

After Neil finished singing, Lu Yao looked down at him and asked, "Which country's song was that?"

Neil grinned and said, "It's a Thai song."

Lu Yao's lips curved into a slight smile. It seemed Neil was still holding a grudge.

Xia Yue, hearing Neil's response, momentarily had an awkward smile on her face.

[Hahaha, Neil's song was not only in Thai but also a Thai nursery rhyme teaching kids numbers!]

[Hahaha, what a little trickster!]

[This kid really has no manners.]

[Hehe, Neil's singing is really nice. I'm going to loop this song a hundred times tonight, just to annoy certain people!]

[For those saying Neil has no manners, how sophisticated are you, really? Xia Yue can't even show respect to a child.]

Liu Gang then drew a task card from the box. His task was to receive a tap on the forehead from each of the present guests.

The boys clearly didn't hold back, and Liu Gang's forehead was already red from the series of taps.

Feeling the burning sensation on his forehead, Liu Gang noted down his grievances against Lu Yao and the others.

It's just a game; couldn't they just go through the motions? They actually went all out.

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