Chapter 10

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    The car Sofie was driving slowed down as it entered the apartment gate. She rolled down the car window to greet the security guard who was at the guard post. The security guard smiled back and let Sofie's car pass.

    "Are you sure you want to hire a detective to investigate Singgih?" Sofie's eyes wandered around looking for an empty parking lot. "Isn't that too much, Dis?" She managed to find empty land.

    Gendis opened the car window. Her head poked out slightly to see the back, even though Sofie's car had been equipped with a sophisticated monitor to see the rear corners of the car.

    "There's still a lot," said Gendis. "More. A little more. Oop. Oop. Oooop~"

    Gendis closed the car window, took off her seat belt, then jumped out. She turned to open the back door and pulled out two bags of groceries.

    "What if Daisy doesn't agree?" Sofie took a plastic bag from Gendis' hand.

    "Just keep quiet."

    "What if you get caught?"

    "She won't be suspicious. Her world just webtoon."

    Sofie nodded in understanding. One of her arms was hanging around Gendis's arm. The two of them stepped lightly towards Daisy's apartment unit.

    "What are we cooking today?"

    "Savory ones. Sweet ones. And, spicy ones."

    "I'm sweet. Daisy is savory. And, you're spicy."

    Gendis scoffed in amusement. "Your mouth is spicy."

    "But I'm pretty." Sofie gave off a contemporary child-style accent while flipping one side of her hair.


    Daisy poured the water into the glass. Downed her drink. This Saturday is a great holiday to Puncak. But what did she do, the deadline siren must be completed immediately.

    Take a look. Daisy's eyes still had sleepiness. She was forced to wake up early to finish coloring the drawing panels. Her hair in a messy bun that was pierced with a pencil already explained how tired she was.

    Beep... beep... beep... biribep....

    Someone accessing the entrance.

    Suddenly, Daisy straightened her hair into a bun, then put on a smile to welcome Singgih who came after exercising. Shhhh, this is a secret, okay? Daisy once had a crush on an upperclassman - a school basketball athlete - and she liked to see his upperclassman sweat after exercising. She thought it was very... sexy.

    Unfortunately, Daisy's smile dropped as soon as she realized who had come.

    "Why is your face like that?" Sofie was disappointed to see Daisy's sour face when she greeted their arrival. She put the shopping bags on the kitchen table.

    "You're waiting for something, huh?" Gendis observed Daisy's tense expression. Secretly probing suspiciously.

    "N—er—no," said Daisy stiffly, which Gendis increasingly suspected. "It's really impressive that you came this early."

    "Well, how about it? We always come every time you have a deadline. We want to help with coloring."

    Geez. How could she forget?! She doesn't have an assistant, not yet, but she has Sofie who always helps with coloring and Gendis who cooks for them.

    Beep... beep... beep... biribep....

    Daisy's body froze at the sound of someone opening the door again. Her saliva gulped stiffly. She glanced at Sofie and Gendis who immediately turned towards the entrance. The expressions of her two friends seemed to say who-came-so-early-to-Daisy's-apartment?

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