Chapter 3

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I got their on time and walked up to the teachers desk an handed her a note letting her know I was new. Harry walked past me and smiled, taking his seat at the back table. The teacher quickly read the note and picked up her clipboard searching for an empty seat. She smiled and pointed to an empty chair that happened to be right next to a now grinning Harry. I sighed but held my tongue. I didn't want to cause problems by asking for a new seat on my first day. "If I just ignore him, he'll leave me alone." I thought as I took my seat; making sure to scoot over so I was as far away from him without being at the other side of the room.

"What are you doing all the way over there, babe?" He asked with a smirk as he grabbed the leg of my chair a yanked hard so my chair and I were pulled right beside him. I turned and glared at him.

"Okay listen. I don't like you. I'm actually starting to hate you. Leave. Me. Alone." I spat at him. He didn't seem phased.

"You don't have to like me, babe. The only thing that matters is if you're a good shag. And with that body, how could you not be?" He said as he licked his lips and scanned my body with his eyes lingering on my bum.

"You're such a fucking prick." I said as I turned my back on him once more. I stayed silent the entire period.

Harry kept making moves to grab my bum or unhook my bra just to annoy me. He was unusually good at it also; unlatching the clothing with one hand motion. By the end of the period I had re-hooked my bra around 70 times and swatted his hand away more than 200. I was tired of him. The bell rang and I grabbed all my belongings. I was the first one out of the door and was at my locker in minutes. The rest of the day went rather quickly. I had Harry in five out of eight class and in every single one he was a cheeky bastard. But that cheeky bastard got me thinking: "I had always stressed about losing my virginity. Would I be good? Would he like it? But if the guy didn't mean anything to me, than it wouldn't matter. I'd be able to get the whole virginity thing over with. And Lord knows I need a distraction from my "home" life, if you could even call it that. Harry could be that distraction. I mean high school was supposed to be a time for mistakes. Harry would be the perfect mistake." I thought as I walked to my last class of the day. I had art. I was no artist but hell, it seemed like a class I could easily pass. I walked in early and put my things down. The teacher waited till all the students in attendance had taken their seat before he started the lesson. 13 minutes into the lesson, Harry walks in with a sketch pad and a pencil.

"Harry your 15 minutes late!" Mr.Tumult yelled.

"Thirteen actually." Harry corrected.

Mr.Tumult just rolled his eyes and continued with his lesson.

Harry scanned the room and when his eyes landed on me he smirked as he often did. He pulled up a chair next to me and sat down. I rolled my eyes and brought my attention back to the teacher. Harry didn't really pay much attention to the lesson. He was too busy stealing glances in my direction every so often stoping to take notes on his pad of paper. I tried to listen but I was too enthralled with the nature out the window. The way the white flakes of snow dusted over the blackness of the damp trees. Or how the frozen droplet of spring rain had began to cover the window, leaving the classroom with a glow as the sunlight shinned through. It was beautiful. Many teenagers never saw the subtle beauty in everyday life but I have always been captivated by it. The sound of text books slamming shut awoke me from my day dream. I had missed the entire class. I gathered my materials and managed to be the third person out of the door. As I began to navigate through the packed hallway I notice that Harry was following me. As I approached an intersection in the hallway I stopped and looked right at Harry before taking a wrong turn.

Harry took the hint and began following me. I walked past class after class looking for an empty room. I finally came up to an empty one and walked in. Harry walked in after me and closed the door.

"Is there a reason you wanted me in this classroom?" Harry asked with a smirk.

"You want to fuck me right?" I asked plainly. Harry was even taken back by how nonchalantly I brought up the topic.

"Well that's not all.. I really like yo-"

"Cut the bullshit. We both want the same thing." I said sternly.

Harry raised his eyebrow and began to walk circles around me.

"Is that so? And what is that exactly." He asked devilishly as he brushed the hair off my shoulder.

"Sex."I said as I swallowed hard to get the lump out of my throat.

"Why the change of heart?" He asked with his lips to the skin of my neck.

"Why's it matter?" I responded.

"Just curious." He said as he began showering my neck with rough kisses. My mind was being jumbled by the curly haired boys actions but, surprisingly, I was able to form a sentence.

"Let's just say I need a distraction." Harry had now had me up against the edge of a lab table. My breathing quickened and my heart began to beat faster.

"I'm happy to be that for you baby."

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