Chapter 6

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Alex's POV

I walked out of that room in a bit of a hurry. I need to get to the house quick and take a shower. I smelled like sex. I looked like it too. I smiled to myself at the fact I could actually say that now. I pushed the doors of the school open and ran to the bus stop. Luckily there was a bus there and I got on. I thanked the driver and took a seat all the way in the back. I liked the back of the bus. It was secluded and, most of the time, quiet. I liked my private time. I loved being able to sit alone in silence with nothing but my thoughts and accompanied with the view of an late spring day I could see that this would be my favorite part of the day. I turned the music on my iPod to my Ed Sheeran playlist and bobbed my head to "The City". Something about Ed just really spoke to me. He didn't write songs. He wrote poetry. His style of writing was really something to behold. The beat of the base in my head phones tickled the inside if my ears. What can I say? I liked my music loud. My stop was quickly approaching so I stood up and pulled on the string to signal the driver to pull over. The doors opened so I gave the driver a warm smile an got off. I walked slow. I didn't want to get home quickly. I wanted to linger for as long as possible. I walked to the beat of "Grade 8" and admired the scenery. I got to my house far too soon. I sighed and turned off my music. I shoved my iPod into my bag, took out my keys and opened the door. Strangely, I didn't see Chapin. Normally she would be at the table doing homework. I heard the TV on in the kitchen. I took 3 steps and was immediately bombarded with the smell of cigarettes and vodka. Karen was having another one of her days. I walked into the kitchen and saw her wrapped up and a dirty robe. She looked as if she'd been in her pajamas all day. She ha mascara running down her face and lipstick smeared down to her chin. She held a glass cup of vodka in her hand and he was sitting on one of the chairs in the kitchen. Her eyes were set on the tv screen but I could tell she was somewhere else. I hoped that she wouldn't notice me. I had to walk through the kitchen to get to the bathroom and shower. I quickly walked passed the Tv before I heard:

"Hey!" Karen yelled.

I stopped in my tracks and turned to face her. She struggled to get out of the chair but managed. She leaned on the table and took a sip from the cup she held in her hand. She put the cup down and picked up the cigarette she had set down in the ash tray. She took shaky steps towards me and stopped when she was about 6 inches away from my face.

"Where'veyoubeen?" She slurred

"School." I said quietly.

"Yousmellwierddd" she slurred again.

She reached to touch my face but I flinched away from her grasp. She slapped me across the face. Hard. I fell back a bit but remained on my feet, clutching the molding in the doorway for support. Chapin must've heard what happens because she was slowly coming down the stairs.

"Alex? Are you okay?" I heard her whisper.

I motioned for her to go upstairs. I didn't want Karen to notice her. She might take her rage out on her as well. Karen got up when he heard Chapin's voice. I stood in front of her as a shield. As frightened of Karen as I was, I was not going to let her touch this little girl. Karen grabbed her cigarette and attempted to burn me with it. If she had been sober it probably would've worked. I smacked it out of her hand and tried to push her away. She picked up her glass of vodka and threw it at me. It hit the doorway right above me. The glass shards did little damage as they fell onto me. But I was leaning on the doorway so the vodka on the floor caused me to slip. The glass shards got in the side of my left leg and my left forearm. The burn that came from the alcohol stung like a bitch as I picked myself up off the ground.

"Fucking bitch." Karen laughed at me.

I took Chapin's hand and led her back to the room with tears in her eyes. I carried her upstairs, trying to hide the severe pain she was causing my arm. I tucked her into bed and wiped the tears off her face. I brushed her short blonde hair and told her everything was going to be alright.

"Why... Why does it have to be like this?" Chapin asked.

"What do you mean sweetie?" I asked.

"You and Karen always fighting? Why does she have to be so mean? Why did this have to happen to us?"

She was so young and having to deal with all this. I felt tears well up in my eyes but I held them back. I had to be strong for her.

"I've heard that God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers." I said as I hugged her.

"Life isn't easy right now, but that means it can only get better. You keep working hard in school and you'll see. We'll get out of here baby. You'll see." I said as I rubbed her back and kissed her forehead.

Even if I couldn't get out of here. Even if I had to rot here for the rest of my life, I would get Chapin out of this hell hole. If it was the last thing I did I'dI walked to the bathroom and gently took my clothes off. I stepped into the shower and turned on the warm water. I stood there crying in the shower. I eventually gathered the strength to wash myself and carry myself to bed.

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