Chapter 24

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and.. A pipe. He walked in with a glass pipe in his left hand, the water and ice in his right, and a sandwich bag full of green nuggets, he had tucked under his chin.

"Is that what I think it is?" I asked motioning towards the glass object in his hand and the bag he was placing on a nearby coffee table.

"Yup. This should stop the pain." He said with a smile. I gave him a small smile. I had never smoked before. Especially not marijuana.

"I don't know about this." I said in a small voice. Harry gave me a double take and then smiled slightly

"You've never done this before, have you?" He asked gesturing to the pipe.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked as I covered my face with my hands to hide my burning cheeks. He chuckled and smiled a crooked smile in my direction.

"It's fine Alex. I love that I'm your first." He said with a wink. I blushed and giggled as I hit him playfully. He smiled at me and then began to work.

I watched him as he opened the plastic bag. He placed a small piece of the Green into one of the openings on the bong. He pulled his lighter out of his pocket and handed it to me.

"Would you like to help me out with this?" He asked.

I smiled nervously. "I don't know. I feel like I'll mess something up." I said. I was talented at messing things up due to how clumsy I was.

"It's easy. Just use the lighter to light the weed. Put the flame right on the nugget." He said.

"Okay." I said as I took the lighter in my right hand, pushed down the little lever and lit it. Harry took a long inhale with his thumb on a little hole on the bottom of the glass pipe. Once he had taken as much smoke a he could into his lungs, he let go of the hole and held in the smoke. He gestured for me to watch him as he opened his mouth and let the smoke slowly cascade into the air.

"That's fucking wicked." I said as I watched the smoke go all the way up to the ceiling.

He smiled in triumph as he took another 3 hits. After he did so, he looked to me with his eyes low.

"Your turn!" He beamed at me.

"I don't know.." I said very unsure.

"C'mon.. Okay I'll tell you exactly what's going to happen. You're going to take a hit, it's going to burn all the way into your chest, you're going to cough, and the you'll be okay. After you take your second hit, you should be good." He said as he passed the pipe to me.

"Fuck it." I said as I took it from his hands.

I put the opening to my lips and Harry lit the weed up. I took a long drag an felt the burn in my chest as I held my thumb on the hole like I had seen Harry do. Harry's eyes widened at the long inhale I took. I held it in as it burned and then exhaled. I coughed for a good 2 minutes while Harry laughed. He was laughing half at me and half at nothing. He was high, what did I expect?

"Fuck." I said. "You said the second gets easier?" I asked. Harry nodded his head. I took the second hit. Then the third. Before I knew it I was so high I couldn't see straight and was laughing so hard there were tears in my eyes.

"Aye you wanna go somewhere?" Harry asked me after having a long conversation on mermaids.

"Sure." I said as I placed my hands on my knees and got up from the couch.

"Alright. Since you're up, can you get my comforter that's in my bedroom? It's upstairs straight ahead." He said with a wide smile. I nodded my head and slowly walked up the stairs. I tripped a few times but made it to his bedroom. It was a lot like like the living room. Very simple. Probably not on purpose. The white paint was faded and chipped with a small black frames mirror. The bedroom had nothing but a white sheet. It was plain..

Until you turn around...

There was a beautiful mural all around the door way. It looked like smoke.. But it curled and twisted upwards into different colors. It was beautiful... I snapped out of my trance and looked for the comforter. I pulled it off the bed from the corner and heard something hit the floor. I looked behind me and saw that I had dropped Harry's note pad and sent the papers sprawled onto the floor. I pushed the large comforter back onto the bed and bent down to pick up the papers. As I did so, I couldn't help noticing a familiar face. There was one drawing of a girl. It showed her sitting down Resting her head on her hands as she stared, bright-eyed, in front of her. Her think curls hung down her back as the light from the window next to her made it look as if she was glowing. She looked..... Just like me. I picked up another drawing and scanned it over. It showed an older picture. It was of me again with long light brown curls flowing down my back. I had jeans and and didn't have a top on. It only showed me from the back. My bare back was in view as I played with my curls. I looked at the next one and it was just my face with some random strands of hair out of place. My nose was scrunched up as if I was laughing in the picture.

"Oh fuck." I heard from behind me.

"You weren't supposed to see those." He said as he blushed deep red.

"These are beautiful." I said in a whisper.

"But... Why..?" I asked.

"I thought you couldn't stand me?" I was really confused.

"I never hated you. I couldn't be near you. I couldn't be near you because-" he stopped.

"C'mon! Out with it!" I yelled.

"Because.... I-I think ...I love you." He said in a whisper.

"What did you say? I can't hear you when you mumble!" I said becoming very annoyed.

"Nothing.. Forget it." He said as he turned to leave.

I grabbed his hand to stop him.

"Please.. I'm sorry I just want to know why you've been so strange with me.." I said in a broken voice. Harry looked me in the eyes. He looked at my face.. He took in my appearance.. All the damage that had been done both visible and invisible. Both physical and emotional. He gripped my hand a little tighter and turned to face me.

"I am in love with you." He said.

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