Chapter 14

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Alex's POV

I completely blacked out. I guess all the stress just became too much. I remember taking a seat, staring at an insignifigant space on the wall for what felt like seconds, and then the bell rang. I had missed the entire one hour period. I picked up my books and walked out of the class. I went through the entire day like that. Finding a seat far away from Harry and just allowing myself to drift into deep thought untill the bell rang. He stared at me in every single class I had him in. He didn't care about me. He made that crystal clear in the hallway this morning. So why is he staring at me? I was confused. What happened bwtween us then and now that could change the way he acted towards me completely.. but then.. not completely? He didn't try to talk to me but he stared. He claimed not to care, but yesterday he wanted to help me. He probably just wanted to get into my pants. I can't believe I was so naive.

As I walked to my locker, I could feel Harry following me. I made it my mission to never speak to him again so I ignored it. I walked up to my locker, put ine the combination and opened the metal door. As I swapped my notebook for my Art pad and pencil, I saw Harry do the same at him locker. I closed the door to my locker and began walking to my Art class... with Harry close behind.

I walked into the class and walked to my seat. No need to ask for a seat change since he didn't really care where people sat. I sat in the corner of the room. Hoping no one would pay attension to me. Harry walked into the room. I was alreadying staring at the corner of my desk; making sure not to pay him any attension. He walked down the aisle of desk and, surprisingly, sat down right next to me. I didn't want to be near him but moving would be acknowledging his existence so I stayed seated. I kept my eyes of him and, for the first time allday, he kept his eyes off me. I kept staring at the corner of my desk and tried to blackout but Harrys presence was making it impossible. I shifted in my seat and reached for my pencil. I scooted my chair closer to the desk and began writing whatever came into my mind. This got Harry's attension for some reason. He looked away from the notes he had been taking while his eyes darted from my face, to my paper, then back to my face. He picked up his pen, tored off a piece of paper and began scribbling on it. He pushed the note over to my side of the table. I didn't look at it. Instead I faked a cough. The fake cough sent the little paper floating off my desktop ontio the floor. Harry narrowed his eyes at me and got up to retrieve the note. Harry sat back down next to me and placed the note right infront of me. I didn't make a move to look at it. This seemed to annoy Harry. He picked up the note and sloppily wrote something else on it before placing directly ontop of the sentence I was writing. This time I read the note.

"Alex, please talk to me." It said on the top lin. The bottom line read: "OKAY! I'M SORRY! OKAY!" That was obviously the line he wrote after being annoyed.

I looked him dead in the eye as i crumpled up the paper and dropped it on the floor. Then the bell rang. I stood up and began to pick up my things. Harry pushed in the chair I had just stood up from, knocking my legs out from under me and forcing my to sit back down. From behind me, I could hear Harry take a deep breathe to calm himself; making sure to keep a firm grip on the seat so I wouldnt go anywhere.

He leaned in and brought his lips right up to my ear... God, this boy loves whispering.

"You are GOING to talk to me." Harry said.

I stayed silent. My eyes were fixed on the wall infront of me. Of course I wasn't going to talk to him. Why would I?

"Mr. Styles? What are you doing?" Our teacher asked after she saw out little struggle.

"Nothing." Harry said as he let go of my chair accidentally. Allowing me to push the chair out as i stood up. Causeing the back of my chiar to hit him right in the balls. He bent over in pain as I smiled for this first time allday.

"ALEXANDRIA! THATS A DETENSION FOR YOU!" Our teacher bellowed. I laughed outloud.

"I've already got one." I said before walking out of the classroom.

And now I'm off to serve my detention.. yippie.

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