Chapter 30

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---------|| { Harry's POV } ||---------

I laid on my back as I slowly regained consciousness. I blinked my eyes a few times and turned my head. Alex's head was lying on my chest and her hair was sprawled out on the pillow and sheets beside her. The window, right behind my bed, let the sun shine through just right so the rays bounced off Alex's hair making it look like gold. She shifted slightly and I felt her bare legs wrap around mine. I lifted the thin sheet and peered under to see that she had taken off the basket ball shorts I'd given her. I chuckled to my self as I carefully detached myself from her and sat at the edge of my bed. I ran my fingers through my hair and stood up. I walked to my dresser and pulled out some basketball shorts. I slipped them on and walked to the doorway. I took one last look at her. She looked so peaceful. Her chest rising ever so slightly. The breeze from the open window causing small strands of her hair to stir. And the heart fluttering way she made a face when I left her side. I felt myself blush. Incredible. Even unconscious she still knows how to make me blush.

I turned around, leaned over and pressed two soft kisses on her. One on her lips and one on her forehead. One saying I love you. The other saying I'll keep you safe. And I swear on my life.. I will keep her safe.

I turned back around and walked into the hallway. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to fetch a glass of water. I took a plastic cup from my cupboard and put it under the faucet. Once it was filled, I sipped slowly, feeling the cool trickle down into my stomach.

*buzz buzz* *buzz buzz*

I turned to face the sound and saw my phone vibrating on the counter top. I walked to it and picked it up. The number was not one I recognized. But I figured I might as well pick it up. I slid the unlock bar and placed the phone to my ear.

"Hello." I said dully.

"May I speak to my tramp's little boyfriend?"

I almost spit out my water.


"How'd you get this number?" I asked as my palms started to sweat.

"Don't worry about it. Now answer my question. Is this my tramps little boyfriend?" She asked in a horrid crackling voice.

I darted up the stairs but kept the phone on and at my ear.

"Who is this?" I asked trying to stall her. I ran to my bedroom and... Alex.

She was gone.

My heart started racing as I ran to search the other rooms.

"You know who this is. I'm Alex's mother. Now where the fuck is the little skank." She asked.

I sprinted into the guest room. Nothing.

Into the spare room.


Into the attic.


The entire time I avoided her questions while trying not to yell at her.

I ran out the door into the front yard searching.

She couldn't be gone. She couldn't have been taken. What could've happened that quickly? No. She's got to be here. She can't be gone.

She's here.

She's here.

"I'm tired of this little 21 fucking questions game we're playing! Don't pretend like you don't know Who I'm talking about because You do. Now where the fuck is that bitch?!" Karen yelled.

"DON'T FUCKING CALL HER THAT!" I screamed as the veins almost popped out of my skull.

"Ooh so you do know her." Karen said with a mischievous giggle. A giggle I could've lived my whole life without hearing and been more than content.

"Jus-... Just leave her alone.." I said utterly defeated.

"Oh I will. Have her in my house by 7 today and I'll leave her alone."


My breathing was erratic. I had a splitting head ache.


If Karen wanted her at her house by 7 that means she doesn't know where she is.

I jogged back into the house and re-checked everything. Still nothing.

I heard the back door open behind me. I turned and saw Alex with a small bag labeled "Dunkin Doughnuts" on it. I jogged to her and pulled her into my arms taking her completely by surprise.

"Hey I- whoah what's wrong? What happened while I was gone?"

I just held her. I held her as close as humanly possible.

"I thought I lost you." I said into her hair.

"How?" She asked.

"Karen called me. She was asking for you. Then when I went to look for you, you had disappeared. I thought she had taken you or something." I said.

"Oh my god. What did she want with me?"

"She wants you back in the house by 7 today."

Alex sighed and nodded her head.

"Alright." She said plainly.

"Alright? No. I'm not letting her take you."

Was she insane? This is the woman who would've killed her if something hadn't gotten in her way. I couldn't live with the thought of her being alone in that house with that... Woman.

"I don't have a choice."

"Well I do. I'm not letting you go."

"You won't be. I'll be fine. This is what has to happen."

I sighed deeply. And rested my hands on my hips.

"If I see one more bruise on you..."

I began. She walked over to me and laid her hands on my shoulders calming me instantly.

"I'll be fine. I'm a big girl. I can handle myself." She said as she took a strong man pose. I chuckled and leaned in and kissed her.

"Sure you are. But since I am going to have to let you go in a few hours... We should enjoy these hours...shouldn't we?"

I asked as I took her hand and brought her closer to me. She smirked.

"Yes.. Yes indeed we should."

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