Chapter 11

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I woke up early due to another nightmare. Except this one was different from the others. I was sitting on the roof of Karens house. I was looking at the stars when I felt someone behind me. It was the woman I always saw in my dreams. Long curls down her back, blue tank too, beige capris, and like always, singing that song. "You're my sunshine... My little sunshine... You make me happy when skies are grey.." She turned around, looked absolutely terrified, screamed, and disappeared. Then Karen appeared by my side with the cuts all down both arms. She pushed me off the roof. This was all normal. I'd had this dream before. I was expecting to slam right into the concrete like I usually did in that dream, but instead of hitting the sidewalk, I was caught. I couldn't tell by what. Whatever caught me was bathed in bright light. Excruciatingly bright.

Then I woke up. I tried to shake off the thought of it as I walked downstairs to hop in the bath for an early morning shower. I stepped out and tiptoed back up to the attic and began putting on my clothes. It was strangely hot this morning so I put n some high waist jean shorts paired with a thin pink sweater an white canvas shoes. I put my hair in a side braid and grabbed my things to leave. I walked down stairs and before I could leave, I felt two small arms wrap around my legs.

"Alex don't go!" I heard in a very small voice. I looked down and saw Chapin clutching my legs.

"I'm sorry pancake, I have to go to school." I said as I picked her up into my arms.

"No! Whenever you leave you come home late. And when you're late you get in trouble.. I don't want you to get in trouble Alex!" Chapin cried. My heart sunk. She didn't want to see me hurt.

"I promise I'll be here on time. Okay?" Chapin had tears in here eyes but nodded her head as she wiped them.

"But right now, I have to go. I'll read to you when I get back okay?" Chapin smiled and nodded excitedly. I smiled back an put her down.

"I'll see you when I come home pancake." I said as I winked at her. She smiled and said "okay Alex." She quickly scurried up to her room to get dressed. I said a little prayer for her in my head before stepping out of the door. When I was gone, she was alone. That must've been horrible.

On the way to school I put my iPod on shuffle. I'd been listening to nothing but Ed Sheeran so I thought it was time for a change. The beginning of "Nothing" by The Script started to play in my ears and I took a deep breath, letting the music settle me. As I walked up to the school I could see right through the glass doors to Harry's lean figure standing in front of his locker. He was acting so strange the day before. He was behaving like cared. From what I'd heard about him, he didn't care about anyone.

I pushed open the doors and begun walking through the hallway. Everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) had their eyes on me. As I aproached my locker, I glanced over and saw Harry wearing a grey sweater that seemed a little big on him. It had a pocket on the front with brown patches on the elbows. he accompanied the sweater with some jeans, a dark blue beanie, and those white converse I always saw him in. He was bobbing his head to the music blasting from his headphones. I stuffed my entire bag into my locker, once i got it open, and took out a notebook and pen. As I closed my locker, I felt two large hands grab my waist. They gripped my sides and spun me around. Harry aggressively pushed me agaist my locker and began kissing my neck as his hands squeezed my ass. People began to stare and point at our heated activity. I pushed him off me as hard as i could.

"what the fuck, Harry?!" I yelled at him. Harry stumbled slightly but just chuckled and smirked at me.

"whats wrong babe? You seemed to LOVE my lips the other day?" He said loud enough for everyone to hear. I heard a few people snicker and others made hooting noises.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? You acted like you cared yesterday..." I said in a small voice. Harry's smiled faded and his face grew serious.

"Did I hurt you?" he asked in a concerned voice. Before I could answer, he took a step closer.

"Deal with it." he spat before smirking and walking away from me down the hall.

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