Chapter 32

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"What time is it? " I asked as me and harry finished our lunch. Sex really works up an appetite.

"5:38." Harry said. I sighed and tried to swallow down the anxiety along with my sandwich. Harry noticed my mood change. He moved from his side of the couch over to mine. He lifted me up slightly so he could place me on his lap. He rubbed my shoulders and held me close.

"It's going to be fine. I won't let her hurt you again." He whispered. I turned 90 degrees and wrapped my arms around his neck. I rested my forehead against his and closed my eyes.

"You're not invincible." I whispered back.

"Yes I am." He whispered back. I opened my eyes and gave him a strange look.

"When it comes to you, I'm fucking Superman." He said as he kissed the tip of my nose. I smiled and hugged him close to me.

"I love you." I said into his shirt.

"I love you too." He said as he rubbed my back. I got off his lap and straightened up my shirt.

"Well I guess I better get dressed then." I said. Harry nodded and offered a smile. I gave him a small smile in return and turned around, heading for the stairs. I walked up to Harrys bedroom and picked up Harry's sweat pants and T-Shirt off the floor. I changed into the clothes as walked into the bathroom. My hair was a knotted mess of curls and without Mouse or gel of some sort, I had no idea how to tame. I settles on running my head under the faucet and leaving my hair wet till I got back to the house. I took out the hair tie I had in my hair and ran my hair in the water just like I planed. I squeezed the excess water out and put my hair in a tight bun.

I walked down the stairs and saw harry getting his keys off the table.

"It's 6:17." He said with no emotion. I nodded and slipped on my shoes. I tie the laces and followed Harry out the door. We got into the car and drove in silence. Then we got there. 6:34 we were in front of Karen's house. I looked at Harry and he looked at me. I was terrified but I couldn't let that show right now. I had to show Harry I could take care of myself. Harry have me a small smile and leaned in for a hug. When he pressed his chest to mine I could feel his heart racing through his clothes. He was more scared than I was. I pulled away and kissed him trying to calm him but having the opposite affect.

"You're trying to give me a heart attack woman." He said. My cheeks grew pink.

"Sorry." I said with a giggle.

"Today's Saturday right?" Harry asked right before I got out of the car. I giggled and nodded my head.

"Well then I'll see you tomorrow." He said with a smile. I smiled back and took a step out of the car. I closed the door and started walking to the house. I looked back and waved Harry goodby as he drive away, very very slowly I might add. I knocked on the door and it swung open. Karen.

"Your early. Go to your room." She said. She seemed sober. Must've had to be in order to go to the hospital with Chapin. I began walking up the stairs to my room when I noticed a dent and blood stain on the 3rd step from the top. So that's where my chin hit. I thought as I continued. I tiptoed into Chapin's room and saw her fast asleep. She looked healthy. I smiled to myself as kissed her forehead before leaving. I walked into my bedroom and collapsed onto the bed. I looked out of the window just to see the clouds as I often did when I noticed something the window was pinning down. I looked over and saw an envelope. I gazed from left to right and saw nothing. I lifted the window and picked up the envelope.

"This is for you..


I slowly opened it and pulled out the thick paper. I unfolded it and saw a beautiful picture. It was of me. Me from the right side. I was holding a pencil to my lips and looking to the front. I had my hair down and a strand behind my ear. There was a window to the opposite side of me with birds outside of it and a beautiful sun and horizon. I rubbed the paper between my thumb and forefinger and it revealed that it felt think because there was another sheet with it. I put the first sheet onto the bed and looked at the next one it was just me from right below my bust and up. There was a piece of my hair in my face. My eyes were squinted slightly because of the large grin I wore proudly. It was beautiful. As I gazed over the artwork I noticed little scribbles in the corners.

"She's perfect."

"I love her smile."

I smiled wide as ideas these little thoughts of Harry's. I flipped relapse over and saw 3 lines written.

"I will love you.

I will protect you

This, I promise you.

-H xx"

I held the sheets close to my heart and laid on my back on the bed. " He loves me. He loves me completely. " those words kept running through my head. I had never had a love like this.

I never want to let this go.

I will never let him go.

This, I promise you.

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