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Chapter 11 Temptation

Pei Xingzhi was silent. This was the generation gap between him and Meng Wanqiu. Although he had a rough life, he was born into a prominent family and received elite education since childhood.

Meng Wanqiu was born in the countryside and was stupid for more than ten years. She had never been to school. He told her about those experts and physiological knowledge, but she would not understand.

Facing Meng Wanqiu's stubborn eyes, Pei Xingzhi sighed, "Experts are doctors. They say that women's bodies develop well after the age of eighteen, and children will be healthier."

Meng Wanqiu herself is also half a doctor. When she was in the organization before, because she could not practice martial arts, she could not compare with others, so she could only work hard to learn other things, and medicine was one of them.

She knows most of the more common pulses and many common prescriptions.

After listening to Pei Xingzhi's words, she thought carefully and felt that there was some truth in it. Many women who died of dystocia in previous lives were under the age of 18. It was probably because the mother's body was not well grown. The child consumed most of the mother's physical strength in the ten months of pregnancy, and the mother was not strong enough during childbirth, which led to dystocia.

When she thought of death, Meng Wanqiu no longer bothered about it. She should wait until she grew up. It was a pity that she had a very short life. If she got pregnant and had a dystocia, no one could save her.

Meng Wanqiu finally calmed down, and Pei Xingzhi loosened the quilt on her body and lay on the other side, panting and looking at the ceiling.

Her body was still very hot, and there was a strange reaction somewhere. Fortunately, she acted quickly at that time, otherwise she would have discovered it.

When Meng Wanqiu straddled his legs, Pei Xingzhi was tempted and seduced by her for a moment, and her bold action was completely opposite to her innocent and ignorant eyes.

Wearing a cool and seductive bellyband and thigh-length shorts, she sat on him carelessly, legs touching legs, hands hanging on his neck.

Moreover, she took the initiative to kiss him.

Not just once, on the cheeks, between the eyebrows, the tip of the nose, and lips.

Every kiss that fell on him was like a cluster of flames, devouring his body and burning his reason.

Although he always knew that Meng Wanqiu was a bold person, he was still frightened by her actions tonight.

Pei Xingzhi closed his eyes, really wondering where she learned these from.

Meng Wanqiu was no longer sleepy. She tilted her head to look at Pei Xingzhi. He was lying on his back with his eyes closed. His high nose bridge was particularly prominent. She remembered that when she kissed him just now, the hot air he exhaled made her sweat unconsciously.

Suddenly, Meng Wanqiu suddenly thought of one thing, that is, what is Pei Xingzhi's physical condition.

When he pinched her waist just now, she felt that he was very strong and she was pushed down before she could react. But before that, he was so angry that his body was shaking and he couldn't even lift the bath water.

This good and bad situation made Meng Wanqiu very confused. Is Pei Xingzhi's body good or bad?

If there is no problem, of course it would be the best. If there is a problem, she can also treat him earlier. Although she agreed to wait until she was an adult to do that, what if this was Pei Xingzhi's excuse to cover up his physical condition?

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