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Chapter 40

"Sister Xiuqing--"

"Jingxuan, hurry up and inform the branch secretary!!"

"Still breathing--"

"Watch over Bai Ting, don't let her run away."

Hearing her name, Bai Ting's hands softened, and with a clang, the hatchet fell to the ground.

Bai Ting's face turned extremely pale, as scary as a female ghost. She looked down at her shaking hands and murmured, "I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it. She insulted me and my father first. I didn't..."

Yang Xue squatted on the ground and used a handkerchief to stop the bleeding for Zhang Xiuqing. Seeing Zhang Xiuqing's miserable state now, and then looking at the possessed Bai Ting, she suddenly felt lucky that she was not so impulsive the first time.

Otherwise, the person lying here might be her.

Ding Heng frowned, kicked the hatchet away from Bai Ting, and hid it somewhere else.

Bai Ting was in a trance, so he didn't dare to put these dangerous weapons near her. What if Bai Ting suddenly exploded and started to chop people?

Wu Min stared at Bai Ting from a distance with her eyes and mouth wide open, not daring to get close. She couldn't believe that Bai Ting would actually chop people with a knife. Fortunately, she took the back of the knife instead of the blade, otherwise Zhang Xiuqing might have died on the spot.

Bai Ting was now in a state of terror. She lowered her head and looked at her hands, repeating in her mouth, I didn't mean it, she provoked me first, she insulted me...

No one dared to get close to Bai Ting, and no one dared to say anything, for fear that Bai Ting would suddenly go crazy.

Ding Heng sighed, and suddenly missed the old days. Zhang Xiuqing used to be gentle and kind, and could get along well with anyone. But since Pei Xingzhi moved out, she seemed to have taken the wrong medicine, her temper became more and more irritable, she no longer had the patience for people, and had many bad thoughts.

When selecting the scorekeepers, she encouraged others to find Accountant Wu, and was punished to urinate in the end. She couldn't stand Pi Jingxuan's good words about Meng Wanqiu, and she got angry and weird when she heard it. Relying on the previous relationship, everyone gave in to her and didn't bother with her.

But after the new educated youth came, Bai Ting, who had a worse temper, came. She gave Zhang Xiuqing a warning on the first day, and provoked Zhang Xiuqing every now and then.

This time, the Commune Revolutionary Committee created some kind of "re-education group" and "help church". Bai Ting simply climbed on Zhang Xiuqing's head and did not take them, the old educated youth, seriously at all. What happened a few days ago was not notified to them until today.

Whether it was the new educated youth or the old educated youth, they were all very unaware of Bai Ting's secrets. This was also the reason why no one stepped forward to stop Zhang Xiuqing when she was dealing with Bai Ting.

The incident happened too suddenly at that time, and everyone was caught off guard. Who knew that Bai Ting was so bold that she dared to chop people with a knife.

Everyone was stunned. It took a few seconds before they reacted and hurried to check on Zhang Xiuqing's condition. Seeing that he was still breathing, they felt relieved.

"What did you say? Using a knife to attack someone? Is the person still alive?"

Meng Aiguo grabbed Pi Jingxuan's arms, his eyes widened, and he almost stuck to Pi Jingxuan's face.

The Buddhist Wife of the Cold-Hearted Educated Youth in the 1970sWhere stories live. Discover now