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Chapter 46

"Haha, how could that be? Isn't this the first time I meet my brother-in-law? I have to get close to Xingzhi. What do you think, brother-in-law?"

Meng Mingxia put his arm around Pei Xingzhi's shoulders, looking like a good brother, and explained to Meng Wanqiu happily.

Pei Xingzhi also raised his lips and cooperated with Meng Mingxia, "Of course, second brother."

Although he knew that Meng Mingxia was pretending, Pei Xingzhi still cooperated with him. Just because the other party was Meng Wanqiu's brother and he also cared about Meng Wanqiu, he voluntarily created a false impression of harmony with Meng Mingxia.

Pei Xingzhi had already experienced this kind of difficulty from Dong Hanyun and Meng Fengdong, and had rich experience.

However, the difference between Meng Mingxia and the other two was that he would take action. If it was two years ago, Pei Xingzhi, who was still relatively thin, would definitely not be his opponent.

But now, after living and eating at the Meng family for two years, he has supplemented his nutrition, and has been trained by heavy farm work for so long. Pei Xingzhi has grown a few centimeters taller and stronger than two years ago.

As long as Meng Mingxia doesn't fight with him openly, and compares with him in secret, Pei Xingzhi will not suffer a loss. He is even less afraid if he fights openly, Meng Wanqiu will not watch him being bullied, and Meng Mingxia doesn't look like that kind of person.

It was already very late, and several people did not stay at the station. Meng Mingxia walked over and carried the snakeskin bag on his back.

Pei Xingzhi's eyes flashed, and he picked up the suitcase next to him. There is free labor, so why not use it?

With the help of an acquaintance, they found the guesthouse smoothly and booked three rooms. After putting down their luggage, Meng Mingxia prepared to take the two of them to dinner.

Meng Wanqiu was puzzled, "It's so late, where can we eat?"

Meng Mingxia rubbed her head and smiled mysteriously, "Just follow me, can my second brother still starve you?"

After hearing what Meng Mingxia said, Meng Wanqiu didn't care anymore. Meng Mingxia had many tricks since he was a child. If he said it was okay, then it must be okay.

Pei Xingzhi raised his eyebrows. Seeing Meng Mingxia's familiar posture, he knew that the other party must be a local snake.

Pei Xingzhi asked, "Brother, why are you in Province Y?"

Meng Wanqiu was walking between the two of them. When she heard Pei Xingzhi's words, she turned her head and looked at Meng Mingxia, "Yes, brother, aren't you in Province C? Why are you in the train station?"

Because she was so happy to see Meng Mingxia, Meng Wanqiu ignored why Meng Mingxia, who was supposed to be serving in the army in other provinces, was here.

Meng Mingxia: "Hey, didn't I write a letter back to tell my family that I changed military districts? I was transferred from the original unit to here."

Pei Xingzhi: "The letter must have been delayed on the way. We didn't receive the letter when we came."

"Will the second brother be able to see us often in the future?"

Meng Wanqiu clung to Meng Mingxia's arm, staring at him with big eyes without blinking, and the expectation was like a spring.

Meng Mingxia's heart softened. After leaving home for so many years, he didn't expect to meet his family members who he hadn't seen for a long time in the new military district. When Uncle Song told him, Meng Mingxia simply couldn't describe his mood at that time.

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