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Chapter 42

"What are you still hesitating about? Such a good opportunity, what's there to think about?"

Meng Yanchun slapped Pei Xingzhi on the back, frowned and said to him in a frustrated tone.

The family sat together, Pei Xingzhi thought for a long time, and decided to ask his elder brother Meng Yanchun for his opinion. If Meng Yanchun showed any intention to go to the machinery factory, Pei Xingzhi would give up.

But when Pei Xingzhi finished speaking, Meng Yanchun reacted strongly, but it was not because of his desire for the machinery factory, but because of Pei Xingzhi's hesitation and overthinking.

"Brother, don't you want to go? Leaving Qinghe Village, working in the factory, and eating state food, this is not it."

"What do you want to go to? I don't want to. It's a machinery factory. Why would a peasant like me who knows nothing go there? Is it embarrassing?" Meng Yanchun waved his hands repeatedly, with an expression that said, "Don't hurt me." Pei Xingzhi helplessly raised his forehead, "No, brother, I--" The machinery factory doesn't just need technicians to recruit workers, there are also many other positions. With this letter of introduction from Meng's father, no matter who goes to their family, the machinery factory will accept them. "Oh, I don't know what you are hesitating about. Just go if you are asked to go. Dachun and I will not leave our parents. We are the eldest son and daughter-in-law, so of course we have to stay at home and take care of the elderly at home." Dong Hanyun couldn't stand Pei Xingzhi's nagging and interrupted him again. Pei Xingzhi moved his mouth, frowned and looked at Meng Yanchun and Dong Hanyun, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Seeing that Pei Xingzhi was still hesitant, everyone comforted him and asked him to accept the job in the machinery factory and not to have any psychological burden.

Only Meng Wanqiu beside him lowered her head, played with her fingers, and remained silent.

Pei Xingzhi had something on his mind and did not notice Meng Wanqiu's abnormality for a while.

"Okay, this matter is settled. Xingzhi, don't think too much. You have put a lot of effort into this opportunity. Don't let him down."

Finally, the head of the family, Grandma Meng, spoke. Her old but not cloudy eyes were filled with wisdom that had settled down after experiencing the past. Her tone was neither fast nor slow, gentle but powerful.

Pei Xingzhi pursed his lips. It was because he knew that this was Meng Aiguo's good intentions that he couldn't accept it calmly.

He couldn't, and he didn't dare.

The kindness of the Meng family to him made him feel at a loss and panic. He could repay the kindness in the past, but he didn't dare to accept such a precious worker quota and the opportunity to leave the countryside.

For the first time, Pei Xingzhi felt that he could not repay such selfless kindness and the affection that only wished him the best.

I don't know how long it took, but the family was still patiently waiting for Pei Xingzhi, waiting for his words.

Suddenly, there was a thud.

Pei Xingzhi knelt on his knees and kowtowed to Meng Aiguo and Li Lanxiang. He lowered his head and said with a choked voice, "Thank you, parents. I'll go."

Meng Wanqiu suddenly looked at Pei Xingzhi, looking at his bent back, with complex emotions flashing in her eyes.

"Oh, silly boy, what are you doing?"

"Hurry up, why are you kneeling like a real man? Hurry up!"

Pei Xingzhi was so fast that no one except Meng Wanqiu could react.

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