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Chapter 27 Angry

When Pei Xingzhi heard Jiang Xiuxiu's words, his face suddenly turned cold. Seeing the other party's bruised face, he knew that he must have met a bad guy. "Where is Meng Wanqiu? How is she? Is she injured?"

It was the first time that Jiang Xiuxiu saw Pei Xingzhi lose his composure. He used to be so arrogant in front of her and was always gentle. Now that she said Meng Wanqiu was fine, Pei Xingzhi was still so anxious and worried. The contrast was too big.

Although she had already planned to give up Pei Xingzhi, Jiang Xiuxiu still felt sour in her heart at this moment. She didn't want to pay attention to Pei Xingzhi and went to the police station by herself, "I told you that she is fine. You can't find her even if I tell you. If you want to see her, just follow her." Pei Xingzhi bit his lip, his eyes revealed a hint of ill will, but now it is indeed only Jiang Xiuxiu who knows the whereabouts of Meng Wanqiu, and he can't force her, so he had to swallow his anxiety and follow her with a cold face. When they arrived at the police station, seeing Jiang Xiuxiu's miserable appearance and Pei Xingzhi's expressionless face, the police didn't ask any questions and invited her in directly. Among them, there was a young male policeman who kept looking at Pei Xingzhi with contempt. Jiang Xiuxiu curled her lips and didn't want to explain. Didn't this guy see that she was like this, and he didn't even help her. Pei Xingzhi didn't care at all. When he saw the policeman looking at him, he stared back coldly until he made the policeman feel embarrassed.

At this time, Pei Xingzhi had completely lost his usual gentleness. This cold look made people want to beat him. But Pei Xingzhi didn't care. He just wanted to see Meng Wanqiu as soon as possible and didn't want to say anything else.

Because it had nothing to do with Pei Xingzhi, only Jiang Xiuxiu was taken in for questioning. At this time, the policeman just gave Pei Xingzhi a glass of water as usual, but his attitude was not very good.

The water cup was placed heavily on the table, and the water inside splashed out and sprinkled on Pei Xingzhi's trousers and shoes. Unfortunately, this pair of shoes was made by Meng Wanqiu for Pei Xingzhi.

Pei Xingzhi's face was gloomy, "Officer, is this how you pour water?"

The little policeman was not afraid of Pei Xingzhi, this was the police station, their base camp, and what he hated most was men who beat women. He snorted in his heart, beating women, villain.

"Well, of course not, of course you have to be polite to people, but for a beast who beats a woman, that's the attitude towards a beast." The little policeman was arrogant, sure that Pei Xingzhi didn't dare to do anything to him.

As he spoke, the policeman raised his chin and looked down at Pei Xingzhi, "Why, do you have to be respectful to animals?"

Pei Xingzhi smiled and wiped the stains with a handkerchief, then stood up, half a head taller than the policeman, "Officer, have you never heard of the saying 'No investigation, no right to speak'?"

Pei Xingzhi smiled, but his eyes were filled with The coldness and the strong sense of oppression in this look made the policeman take a step back, but he felt that he had no momentum and stiffened his neck. "Of course I have heard of it. This is what the great chairman said, but--"

"Xiao Wu, hurry up and follow me. We have a clue about the people who kidnapped your neighbor's sister."

Before Officer Xiao Wu finished speaking, a middle-aged policeman who came out of the interrogation room said to him.

Officer Xiao Wu was stunned, and then shouted loudly: "Yes!"

Pei Xingzhi also heard this, and saw Jiang Xiuxiu following the middle-aged policeman, and hurriedly followed.

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