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Chapter 24 Father Meng is furious

After a short break, we will enter the final stage of 'recognizing people'.

For this test question, the people who signed up in the village didn't care at all. They all grew up in the same village, so how could they not know each other?

Zhang Xiuqing and Ding Heng didn't care either. Zhang Xiuqing knew most of the people, but Ding Heng had already planned to give up. He didn't answer the questions well, and he didn't have the ability to compete with others, so he relaxed his mentality.

Jiang Xiuxiu hid in the corner, not wanting to compete in the last round. The sun was so warm, but her face was pale and her eyes were full of resistance.

After the previous exam, Jiang He did not beat or scold Jiang Xiuxiu, but just looked at her coldly, but Jiang Xiuxiu was still very scared.

Jiang Xiuxiu knew Jiang He's temper. Although he would not beat her, he would definitely not let her off easily after returning home knowing that she had deceived him.

Maybe he would let Jiang's mother lock her up like last time and not let her go out again.

The more she thought about it, the more flustered she became. Jiang Xiuxiu glanced at the noisy crowd, gritted her teeth and turned away. She absolutely could not sit and wait for death. She was a person who was reborn, how could she be controlled by these people.

Meng Wanqiu glanced at Jiang Xiuxiu's back and noticed her leaving. She looked indifferent and looked away indifferently.

"Okay, now we start the last round of selection. All the participants, please come up."

It was too noisy down there, and Accountant Wu used a few gongs to quiet down the crowd.

Meng Wanqiu left Dong Hanyun, stood up, stretched, and left behind the others.

As for why she didn't leave Pei Xingzhi, it was because the two of them were hugging each other in public just now, and were pulled apart by the embarrassed Meng's mother.

Although they were husband and wife, it was not good to be so intimate in public.

Pei Xingzhi was also scolded by Meng's mother for this.

Pei Xingzhi didn't dare to refute, and lowered his head to listen to the lecture. He knew in his heart that the two people's behavior was not appropriate, but he was confused by Meng Wanqiu's coquettishness and ignored the surrounding environment. When he came to his senses, he had already held her in his arms.

Meng Wanqiu didn't dare to say anything more. When Meng's mother started talking about Pei Xingzhi, she slipped away without any loyalty, leaving Pei Xingzhi with only her back.

Accountant Wu looked at the people on the stage, frowned and asked Xu Cheng beside him: "Where is Jiang Xiuxiu?"

Xu Cheng looked to the side and shook his head, "She is right here, eh, she is really gone."

"Where did Jiang Xiuxiu go?"

"She was still there just now."

"Well, I just saw Jiang Xiuxiu running to the entrance of the village."

The person who spoke was a girl with dark yellow skin, a local of Qinghe Village, and she was also one of the few girls in the village who went to junior high school.

Meng Wanqiu remembered that the other party seemed to be called Gao Xianmei. Pei Xingzhi took her to visit the village to recognize people these days. She was particularly impressed by this girl because she worked very hard and could get ten work points like men.

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