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Chapter 81


A gunshot sounded in the snow-covered dense forest, breaking the original silence of the forest. Countless birds flapped their wings and fled, and the broken snow fell from the branches of the cedars.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of artillery fire sounded.

Ten minutes ago.

"Captain, the intelligence is wrong. The number of people over there is twice as many as ours!"

The camouflaged scout ran from the snow to Meng Mingxia, and the breath he exhaled instantly condensed into white mist while he spoke.

Meng Mingxia's face was red from the cold, and the skin on his cheeks was so dry that cracks appeared, obviously frostbite. "We have to fight twice as hard, damn, these bastards, we have finally caught them after chasing them for two months. Notify everyone to stay hidden and move forward carefully."


This is Meng Mingxia's mission this time. A few months ago, the border defense received news that a group of foreign mercenaries secretly sneaked into our country from the southern border. Meng Mingxia and his team's mission is to stop and capture these mercenaries alive and find out their origins and purpose.

This group of mercenaries is quite powerful, and their weapons and equipment are more advanced than theirs. Half a month ago, the soldiers led by Meng Mingxia fought with the other side once, intercepted part of the other side's forces, but also let some people escape.

The other side's escape route was all deep in the mountains and old forests, which caused them a lot of trouble. It took them half a month to find the traces of the other side again.

Not long after, Meng Mingxia's team caught up with the group of mercenaries, but the other side was not vegetarian either. They soon found them and the two sides started to exchange fire.

"Fuck, the firepower is too strong." After dodging a bullet, it hit the big tree behind, and sporadic sparks were ignited instantly. Lying behind an obstacle, Meng Mingxia saw that his side was suppressed, and gritted his teeth and cursed.

No, we have to find a way to crack it.

"King, come with me and be my observer." Meng Mingxia grabbed a man's collar and changed his hand to a 79-type semi-automatic sniper rifle.

"Yes!" The king agreed and followed Meng Mingxia.

Meng Mingxia is most famous in the army for his shooting skills that never miss a shot.

The two of them bypassed the crossfire area and came to the side and rear of the mercenaries.

After finding a good sniper position, the king began to report the enemy's position to Meng Mingxia. At first, Meng Mingxia successfully killed several people, but as the number of times increased, the opponent also reacted and began to lead people to counterattack.

Meng Mingxia only had two people on his side. Once the position was exposed, there was no time to escape.

"You retreat first, my king!" Seeing the mercenaries approaching, Meng Mingxia frowned and let the king go first.

"What about you, captain?" The king was shocked.

"I'll retreat later. After returning, let Xu Feng and the others increase their firepower and attack from the east while making a feint to the west."

"Captain, let's go together. I'm not afraid..."

There were seven people coming from the other side, and the king's position was too conspicuous, so Meng Mingxia let the other side go first, hoping to kill the other side alone.

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