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Extra 1

Extra 1 Warm and Daily Life

In the early morning of June, the temperature was frighteningly high. The sun shone through the gaps in the thick curtains onto the carpet, and tiny dust particles jumped slowly in the light path.

On the big bed in the room, Pei Xingzhi opened his eyes, and sweat oozed from his forehead. He wanted to get up, but his arms were restrained by the person beside him.

Pei Xingzhi turned his head and saw Meng Wanqiu sleeping soundly with his arms around him. Because of the hot weather, she was only wearing a thin nightgown that was only a little above the knees.

The thin blanket only covered the lower bodies of the two people. Meng Wanqiu lay on her side, her full breasts ready to burst out. After giving birth to two children, her figure became more curvy, and the charm in her body seemed to explode, exuding a mature and sexy femininity.

Pei Xingzhi's eyes were filled with love. He carefully pulled out his arm, turned over and prepared to adjust his posture. Feeling his body rubbing against the thin blanket, he paused and pursed his lips.

It seemed that at the age of thirty, his body was still very healthy, not inferior to that of a young man in his early twenties, and he had all the necessary reactions.

He looked at the time, it was still early.

Pei Xingzhi was not in a hurry to get up. He propped up his upper body and quietly stared at his lover's sweet sleeping face.

He raised his hand and gently brushed away the hair around her ears, used his fingertips to trace her facial features, lingered on her red lips for a moment, and leaned over to kiss her.

Then it began. Pei Xingzhi not only considered himself when doing this, but also cared about her feelings. In order to make her more comfortable, every process could not be missed.

Meng Wanqiu moved uncomfortably and raised her arms to protect the front. Pei Xingzhi smiled with his lips curled. He would not let her go easily when he was in the mood.

Pei Xingzhi's movements were not small, not to mention that his body was controlled. Even if she slept deeply, Meng Wanqiu woke up.

She buried her head in the pillow. Regardless of the man's actions, she fell asleep in the early morning last night. Now she couldn't even open her eyes. I don't know where he got so much energy.

Isn't it true that when a man reaches 30, his desire for this will gradually fade away? Why is hers getting bigger and bigger?

The body turned into a boat, sailing in the sea. The sailor who was driving the boat was strong and sturdy, and he easily controlled the boat under his hands. The screws that fixed the boat were old and rusty. Every time the sailor moved, the fixed part made a creaking sound. The sailor felt that this sound was particularly pleasant, which made his energy more vigorous. He rowed the boat with more and more force, and the sound of the boat became louder and louder.

Gradually, the clouds in the sky gradually gathered above the boat and the sailor, and the clouds became lower and lower, and the color became darker and darker. Suddenly, a bean-sized raindrop fell, dripping on the sailor's strong chest, mixed with salty sweat, dripping into the cabin, and the boat made a strange sound again.

The sailor frowned, and it seemed that he had to go back to repair the boat. He had to speed up, otherwise the heavy rain would cause huge waves. If he couldn't dock by then, then what awaited them would be the destruction of the ship and the death of people.

The rain was like a waterfall, hitting the sailor and the boat heavily. Both of them were a little exhausted, but they could still hold on.

Suddenly, a huge wave that covered the sky hit the ship and the sailor. The sailor swung the oar vigorously, waiting to meet this extreme limit that was so exciting that it made people's cerebral cortex excited together with the boat.

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