Chapter one

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Heidi's POV

My mother had just informed me that our house was under attack. I didn't waste any time getting my dad to safety. These kinds of things never end; I hate being in this business, but I can't leave my family no matter how much I despise it.

It didn't take long to get my dad into the car and away from the scene. I immediately called security, instructing them to get into the van with my father. I had to stay back and lay low until my mother said the coast was clear.

I snuck out back and entered the house, but to my surprise, there was someone standing by the stairs. I immediately hid behind the door, but it was too late. "I saw you. Come out with your hands up, drop your weapon, and remain calm," the voice was stern and feminine. I didn't get a good look at her face, but her dress was red with gold heels.

Isabella's POV

The mission was clear: take down the rival mafia's house and gather intel. I had been waiting for an opportunity like this for months. Dressed in a red dress with gold heels to blend in, I made my way into their territory.

Just as I reached the stairs, I noticed movement behind the door. "I saw you. Come out with your hands up, drop your weapon, and remain calm," I commanded, my voice steady and unwavering. The tension was palpable.

Heidi stepped out from behind the door, her eyes filled with a mix of fear and determination. She was clearly someone important. "Who are you?" she demanded, trying to mask her fear with bravado.

I'm Isabella I replied, keeping my gun trained on her. "And it looks like we're about to have a very interesting conversation.
Isabella pulled the knife from her band connected to her thigh out and grabbed heidi putting it too her neck

Heidi's pov

I could feel isabella's knife dragging into my neck i bit my lower lip keeping my breath steady so she couldn't know i was fearful i grabbed her wrist and elbowed her in the mouth causing her too drop the knife.

I thought this was talking this isn't talking i laughed kicking the knife away from her reach looking down at her.

what do you want to know it's obvious you've been training for this moment as well 'Isabella' i said mockingly making fun of her name before i knew it she pulled me too the ground with her as she got on top of me pulling the gun from her carrier i felt something was off with myself i didn't know what was wrong with me SHES the enemy.

"we can do this the hard way or we can do this the easy way, Where's the money, where's your leader.." i heard her reload the gun as she put it too my head "you have five seconds, my last question is what's your name" Isabella wasn't giving up and her tone was even worse than before the gun clicked once again and i tried fighting her off

Isabella's POV:

       I straddled Heidi, feeling the heat radiate between us as I pressed the gun to her temple. Her defiance was intoxicating, and I couldn't help but lean closer, our breaths mingling. You think you're so clever I whispered, my lips brushing against her ear. Her struggle beneath me was both infuriating and arousing, a dangerous mix that made my pulse quicken.

          With a swift motion, she managed to flip us over, pinning me down. The gun fell from my grasp, and for a moment, we were chest to chest, our eyes locked in a battle of wills. I could feel her heart pounding against mine, and despite the danger, there was an undeniable pull between us.  This isn't over, I hissed, trying to regain control, but her grip tightened, and I knew she felt it too—the thin line between hate and desire.

The door slung open gun shots going everywhere Heidi immediately got off of me running outside

Security line one "COME ON WE GOTTA GO LAY LOW" I ran out of the house down the stairs as fast as i could making my way too The escape car an black hell cat flew by us with tinted windows i already knew who it was under my breath i whispered too myself, she thinks she's so smart i will get her one way or another i hissed too myself.

ARE WE GONNA JUST SIT HERE? GET BACK TOO THE BUILDING AND EXPLAIN TOO MY FATHER HOW YOU JUST LET THEM GO yelling at my security i sat up smacking the crap out of the security and dropped my hand on their leg making them press the gas.

you were right on her tail, moving fast to the escape car. The black Hellcat zoomed past with those tinted windows, and you knew exactly who was inside. Under your breath, you muttered about her thinking she's clever, determined to catch her no matter what.

Then, you let your security know exactly what needed to be done, not holding back. You weren't going to let them get away that easily. With a firm hand and a strong command, you made sure they got back to the building, ready to face your father and explain the situation. It was all about taking charge and not letting anything slip through the cracks. The adrenaline was pumping, and you were in control, making sure no one messed with you.

The car skidded to a halt in front of my father's company building. I stormed inside, my heart still pounding from the chase. The security team followed closely, looking nervous. As I entered the grand lobby, everyone turned to stare, sensing the tension. I marched straight to my father's office, not bothering to knock.

He looked up from his desk, his expression a mix of concern and anger. "What happened?" he demanded. I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "We lost them, but it won't happen again," I said firmly. marlow and his crew won't get away with this My father leaned back in his chair, eyes narrowing. "You better make sure of that," he replied. The weight of his words hung in the air as I turned to leave, already planning my next move.

"You are too kidnap her do what ever is necessary get her IN THIS BUILDING AND MARLOW WILL FOLLOW AFTER HER. do not disappoint me Isabella" my father said sternly before i walked out of the door , i heard him slam his fist into the table i needed an plan and quick i signaled my security too follow after me. This was my first assignment and i ruined it.

clenching my jaw i walked out i gave my driver direction too my house and had security follow behind.

     This town isn't safe for me too be alone my father made it very clear waging war onto the shadows the second biggest mafia clan besides well my fathers and the higher up. I bit my cheek as we arrived too my hidden house, i got out payed my driver dismissing my security.



       Heidi's Pov.

I was going 205 in my hell cat not slowing down until i hit the highway i took the gas pedal off the floor and slowed down dialed my mother.

"Heidi sweetie how's it going? your father is here at the company we're getting your condo arranged now Heidi be careful the Silvers clearly are wanting war"

Yes i know mom, the daughter is isabella silver , correct? i asked in stern tone with my mother "yes why? did you run into her? are you okay? honey answer me" yes mom i'm okay i knew something like this would of happened so i planned ahead i'll be there soon , love you silence fell around me as i hung up the phone i pulled over.

Isabella fucking silver i said gripping my steering wheel laying my head on the wheel. She will pay for this , i ripped my suit jacket off leaving my button up shirt on under.

I didn't even want too work with my family but now they waged war with me ? great. Just great look at my suit covered in fucking gun powder.

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