chapter 13

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Heidi's pov

    We've been at the condo for a few hours , i noticed Bell was tense about the whole conversation with her mom and mine i apologized , and kissed her softly on the cheek.

Charlotte and Veta her mom and my mom prying too find out what's between us isn't exactly new it's more of an understanding between me and Bell at this point it's not very worrying.

"..Heidi, I want too be your girlfriend i can't keep doing this no label thing especially since our parents keep asking about it the more and more it goes on." Bell added and i looked at her nodding.

I took Bell's hand in mine, feeling the warmth and softness of her skin. Bell, I've been wanting to ask you the same thing, I said softly, my voice filled with emotion. I want us to be official, to have a label that truly represents what we mean to each other. Her eyes lit up, and she smiled, a tear of happiness escaping down her cheek. I gently wiped it away with my thumb, feeling a surge of love and affection for her.

From now on, you're my girlfriend I whispered, leaning in to kiss her gently on the lips. The kiss was tender and sweet, a promise of the future we would share together. As we pulled away, I could see the joy and relief in her eyes. It felt like a weight had been lifted off our shoulders, and we could finally be open about our relationship. Bell nodded, her smile widening as she squeezed my hand.

"Let's go get dinner to celebrate," I suggested, my heart racing with excitement. "We can invite our moms over too. I think it'll be a good opportunity for them to see how happy we are together." Bell agreed, and we quickly made plans to meet up with Veta and Charlotte. As we left the condo, hand in hand, I felt a sense of contentment and happiness that I had never experienced before.

Charlottes pov

I've been at the restaurant with my daughter , Heidi and her mom veta for a few minutes we ordered our dishes and drinks. "So what's going on, what's up?" Veta added as i looked at them raising a brow in suspicion and still curious from earlier about their relationship.

Heidi and Isabella exchanged a quick, nervous glance before Heidi took a deep breath and began to speak. "Mom, Veta, there's something we need to tell you," she started, her voice trembling slightly. "Isabella and I... we've decided to take our relationship to the next level." I could see the apprehension in their eyes, but also a spark of excitement. "We've decided to officially become girlfriends."

The room fell silent for a moment as Veta and I processed what Heidi had just said. Then, a wide smile spread across Veta's face, and she reached across the table to high-five me. "I knew it!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with joy. "I had a feeling there was something special between you two."

I couldn't help but laugh, feeling a mix of surprise and happiness. Honestly, I had my suspicions too, I admitted, looking at Isabella with pride. I'm so happy for both of you. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world. The tension melted away, replaced by a sense of relief and celebration. We spent the rest of the evening sharing stories, laughter, and plans for the future, knowing that our family had just grown a little closer.

Authors Pov

Heidi and Isabella had always been on opposite sides of the mafia world, their rivalry fueled by years of conflict and betrayal. Heidi, the fierce and cunning daughter of Veta, had built a reputation for her ruthless tactics. Isabella, the strategic and sharp-minded daughter of Charlotte, was known for her ability to outsmart her enemies. Their paths crossed in countless battles, each encounter more intense than the last.

One fateful night, a massive raid turned their world upside down. Both families were ambushed, forcing Heidi and Isabella to retreat into the shadows together. With their lives hanging in the balance, they had no choice but to put aside their differences and work together. As they navigated the dangerous underworld, they began to see each other in a new light. Heidi admired Isabella's intelligence and resilience, while Isabella was drawn to Heidi's bravery and determination.

As they fought side by side, their bond grew stronger. They shared stories of their childhoods, their dreams, and their fears, realizing that they had more in common than they ever imagined. Despite their initial animosity, a deep attraction blossomed between them. They found themselves relying on each other not just for survival, but for emotional support. By the time they emerged victorious from the chaos, they were no longer enemies but allies, bound by a newfound respect and affection.

Veta and Charlotte, once bitter rivals themselves, watched in amazement as their daughters forged a powerful alliance. The two mothers, seeing the strength of their daughters' bond, began to reconsider their own animosities. They knew that the future of their families depended on this newfound unity. And so, in the midst of a war-torn world, Heidi and Isabella's relationship became a beacon of hope, proving that even the deepest rivalries could be overcome by the power of understanding and love.

Isabella's pov

We left the restaurant after saying our goodbyes too our parents , heidi was glued on her phone texting back and forth with layla we was going too meet up with her friends once again. Layla And sarah layla creeps me out a bit but that's okay.

If heidi trusts her i trust her.. barely. As we sat down at the bar heidi leaned over me like a protective monkey for what ever reason we was waiting for Sarah and Layla too arrive they arrived a few minutes after we got our drinks.

Heidi was saying hi too sarah as i felt Layla scan me with her eyes like always , it never fails too make me make eye contact with her i bit the inside of my cheek staying calm and waved at her.

As we settled into our seats at the bar, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Heidi, ever the protective one, leaned over me like a watchful guardian. I could already feel the tension building. When they finally walked in, Heidi greeted Sarah with a warm hug, while Layla's eyes immediately locked onto me, her gaze intense and unsettling. I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to stay calm, and gave her a small wave.

Heidi, noticing the tension, decided to break the ice. "So, Sarah, Layla, there's something I want to share with you both," she began, her voice steady. "Isabella and I have been decided too date i'm extremely excited about it ." Heidi's words were heartfelt, and I could see the sincerity in her eyes. Layla's gaze softened for a moment, but then she smirked, her eyes still fixed on me.

"Isabella, you must be something special to have Heidi wrapped around your finger like this," Layla commented, her tone laced with curiosity and a hint of jealousy. I forced a smile, unsure of how to respond. Sarah, sensing the awkwardness, jumped in with a change of topic. "So, Isabella, how did you and Heidi meet?" she asked, genuinely interested.

I took a deep breath and began to recount the story of our first encounter, how our initial rivalry had turned into an unbreakable bond. As I spoke, I could feel Layla's eyes on me, scrutinizing my every word. Heidi, noticing my discomfort, placed a reassuring hand on my arm. "Layla, I know you're protective of me, but you need to understand that Isabella is different. She's the one person I can truly rely on," Heidi said firmly. Layla's expression shifted, a mix of emotions playing across her face.

Sarah, ever the peacemaker, tried to lighten the mood. "Well, it's clear you two have a special connection. It's not every day you find someone who has your back like that," she said with a smile. I nodded, grateful for her support. Heidi, still holding my hand, looked at me with a soft smile. "Isabella, you're my everything. Together, we can face anything," she said, her voice filled with conviction. Layla's gaze finally softened, and she nodded in reluctant acceptance. The tension eased, and for the first time that night, I felt a sense of peace.

Heidi's pov

It was getting late so i decided that me and bell will head home now , i put my hand on bells hip i saw her bite down on her lower lip i smirked and nodded pointing at the door telling my friends i was heading out.

"carry me" Isabella said lookin at me, so i gave her an back pack ride too the car dropping her softly into her seat and i kissed her gently on the cheek , i started the car as we headed home.

Tonight was a good night, okay partly a good night besides laylas weird behavior and us explaining our relationship too our mothers, it was a good night.

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