Chapter 21

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***Heidi's POV***

I woke up to the sound of my phone dinging on the nightstand. Groggily, I reached over my sleeping lover, Isabella, to grab it. My heart skipped a beat as I saw the message was from Hazel. How did she get my number?

"Hey, I got your number off Isabella's phone when we first met ;) She's lucky to have a hottie like you," Hazel had texted. I immediately gagged mentally, leaving her on read. I turned to look at Isabella, her peaceful face bathed in the soft morning light. I couldn't let this ruin our morning.

***Isabella's POV***

I felt the bed shift as Heidi moved, and I slowly opened my eyes to see her looking at her phone. She turned it off quickly, a soft smile playing on her lips when she noticed I was awake. Good morning, I murmured, reaching out to touch her cheek.

Good morning, she replied, leaning in kiss me softly. The moment was perfect, "Did you sleep well?" her gentle voice soothing me as i woke

"Always, when I'm with you," I said, my heart swelling with love. I kissed her again, savoring the taste of her lips. I was thinking, after breakfast, could you drop me off at Hazel's?

***Heidi's POV***

I felt a pang of suspicion but tried to hide it. Why Hazel's? I asked, keeping my tone casual. "Remember, Hazel and I share that clothing line together," she explained, brushing a strand of hair from my face. "We have a meeting with some new suppliers today."

I nodded, trying to push the unease aside. Of course, I'll drop you off, I said, forcing a smile. Let's have breakfast first.


Heidi Dropping Isabella Off at Hazel's

***Heidi's POV***

I pulled up to Hazel's place, my stomach churning with unease. Isabella leaned over to kiss me goodbye. "I'll see you later, okay?" she said, her eyes filled with love and trust.

***Hazel's POV***

I watched from the doorway as Isabella got out of the car. My heart raced with anticipation. Hey, Bella! I called out, waving. As she approached, I let my eyes linger on Heidi, giving her a sly wink that Isabella couldn't see.

***Heidi's POV***

I felt a wave of disgust wash over me at Hazel's blatant flirtation. I forced a tight smile, not wanting to upset Isabella. Have a good meeting, I said, my voice strained.

***Isabella's POV***

I turned to wave at Heidi, feeling a pang of longing as I walked away. Thanks, babe. I'll call you when we're done, I promised, oblivious to the tension between Heidi and Hazel.

***Hazel's POV***

As Isabella and I walked inside, I couldn't resist one last glance at Heidi, my smile turning into a smirk. You know, Bella, you really are lucky to have someone like Heidi, I said, my tone dripping with insinuation.

***Heidi's POV***

I watched them disappear into the house, my heart heavy with unease. Hazel's advances were becoming harder to ignore, and I knew I had to find a way to protect my relationship with Isabella. As I drove away, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong.


Heidi's POV

With my best friends Layla and Sarah over, I tried to push the unsettling thoughts about Hazel to the back of my mind. But it was no use. As we sat in my living room, the topic inevitably came up.

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