chapter 10

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Isabella's pov

We was back in Heidi's condo , i was laying in her bed laying my head on her chest waiting for her too wake up , it was morning time and we had plans around noon too go out and enjoy our day together, i started too kiss on her neck softly making sure not to wake her i thought to myself about what happened at dinner, i do wanna be her girlfriend but i don't wanna make her label anything that she's not comfortable with.

Heidi started to stir, and I felt her arms tighten around me. She opened her eyes slowly, a sleepy smile spreading across her face. "Good morning," she murmured, her voice still heavy with sleep.

Good morning, I replied, smiling back at her. I was thinking we could grab some breakfast and then head to the carnival. What do you think?

Heidi's eyes lit up at the mention of the carnival. "That sounds perfect! Let's get ready and head out," she said, stretching and yawning. We got up, got dressed, and quickly made our way out the door, excited for the day ahead.

At the carnival, we were greeted by the sounds of laughter and the smell of cotton candy. We decided to start with the Ferris wheel, enjoying the view from the top. After that, we played some games, winning a few stuffed animals, and indulged in some delicious carnival food.

As we walked through the carnival, the vibrant colors and lively atmosphere made everything feel magical. We stopped at a booth where Heidi tried her hand at a ring toss game. She focused intently, and with a flick of her wrist, she won a giant stuffed bear. She handed it to me with a triumphant grin. "For you," she said, her eyes twinkling.

We then headed to the roller coaster, our hands tightly clasped together. As the ride climbed higher, I could feel the excitement building. When we reached the top and the coaster plummeted down, we screamed and laughed, the adrenaline rush bringing us even closer. I glanced at Heidi, her face lit up with pure joy, and my heart swelled with affection.

After the roller coaster, we wandered over to the photo booth. We squeezed into the small space, making silly faces and capturing memories. As the final photo snapped, Heidi turned to me, her expression serious. "Isabella, I want you to know how much I care about you," she said softly. "I don't need labels, but I do know that I want to be with you."

Her words made my heart race. I leaned in and kissed her gently, feeling a deep connection. I feel the same way, Heidi I whispered. Let's just enjoy being together and see where it takes us.

We spent the rest of the day exploring every corner of the carnival, from the funhouse mirrors that made us laugh uncontrollably to the carousel where we held hands and shared quiet moments. As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over everything, I realized that this day had brought us even closer. I knew that whatever the future held, we would face it together, hand in hand.

we was walking as my phone rang it was my dad , we talked over the phone and we had too meet at his company too prepare for the next plan too take down the shipment and get it into the warehouse being in the mafia does ruin an few things but that's okay i still get too see heidi.

We arrived at the company building, the towering structure casting long shadows in the evening light. As we walked through the doors, I could feel the tension in the air. Carlos, my dad, was already there, deep in conversation with marlow They were discussing the logistics of the new plan to take down the shipment and secure it in the warehouse. The details were intricate, involving multiple teams and precise timing to ensure everything went smoothly.

I took a moment to check in on Marlow and Veta. They were in the back room, going over some last-minute details. Both seemed focused and ready for the task ahead. I also spotted Charlotte in the corner, her eyes scanning the room as she worked on her laptop, likely coordinating the communication for the operation. Everything was falling into place, and despite the chaos, I felt a sense of purpose. And through it all, I knew I'd still get to see Heidi, which made everything worth it.

Heidis pov

I was getting ready putting my walkie talkie and mic on my shirt i put my plates of armor on , i looked at my mom Veta and asked her what her goal is and where we will meet in between at.

Veta is my mom so i have all eyes on her and Isabella Carlos Job is too keep my dad in position and watch for Marlow And charlotte.

We gathered in the briefing room for a final rundown. My mom laid out the details: Team A would create a diversion to draw attention away from the main route, while Team B, led by Carlos, would move in to secure the shipment. Marlow and Charlotte would be our eyes and ears, monitoring the situation and providing real-time updates. Once the shipment was secured, my team would move it to the warehouse under the cover of night.

As we moved into position, the crew was fierce. The diversion worked perfectly, drawing the guards away from the shipment. Isabella and I moved in fastly  and efficiently, working in perfect sync. We had practiced this countless times, and our coordination was flawless. Isabella kept an eye out for any unexpected movements while I focused on securing the shipment. The adrenaline was pumping through my veins as we loaded the heavy crates onto the trucks.

Carlos signaled us, and we moved in fast and efficiently. The shipment was heavier than expected, but we managed to get it loaded onto the trucks without any issues. Marlow and Charlotte kept us updated on any movements around us, ensuring we stayed one step ahead.

Finally, we reached the warehouse. The doors opened, and we quickly unloaded the shipment, securing it inside. The operation had gone off without a hitch. As I looked around at my team, I felt a surge of pride. We had pulled it off, and now the shipment was safely in our hands. We could finally breathe a sigh of relief and prepare for whatever came next.

Carlos Pov

We got back to the company safely and congratulated Marlow and Veta for their hard work , See like i said perfect business partners i looked at isabella and Heidi and charlotte just mimicked me.

We sat down in the office and discussed who's shipment we just took over it was the Ovalanis team we just took it down we will prepare for what's too come but for now we are too relax.

The office buzzed with a sense of accomplishment as we settled into our chairs. Isabella leaned back, a satisfied grin on her face. "I still can't believe we pulled it off," she said, glancing over at Heidi, who nodded in agreement. "It was a risky move, but we executed it perfectly," Heidi added, her voice filled with pride. The camaraderie among us was clear, a testament to our seamless teamwork.

Just as we were about to dive into more details about the Ovalanis team, Marlow's phone buzzed with a notification. He glanced at the screen and his expression turned serious. "Looks like the Ovalanis aren't taking this lightly. They've already started mobilizing their resources," he informed us. The room fell silent for a moment as we processed the news. We knew this victory would come with consequences, but we were ready to face them head-on.

Alright, team,I said, breaking the silence. We need to stay vigilant and prepare for any retaliation. But for now, let's take a moment to appreciate what we've accomplished. This is just the beginning, and I have no doubt that we'll continue to outsmart our rivals. With that, we raised our glasses in a toast to our success, knowing that the road ahead would be challenging but confident in our ability to overcome any obstacles together.

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