chapter 4

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Bella's Pov

it was silent the whole ride too heidi's house , i turned up the radio but she glared at me turning it down , so im pretty sure that's an no , we was at her house by the time it was i'm sure she's tired so i tried too get along with her.

"Come on, you already know the way since you snuck in, yea?" i scoffed and rolled my eyes walking too the door and went in.

"you're sleeping on the couch" Heidi said fast as she was walking too her room "i'll get you an blanket and pillow, if you're hungry there's food in the fridge and there's an tv make yourself at home or don't i don't really care, do not bother me" i just listened too her blab.

Once she disappeared into her room, I couldn't help but smirk. The tension between us was palpable, and the way she tried to assert control was almost endearing. I made my way to the couch, but instead of settling down, I decided to explore a bit. The house was quaint, but there was something intriguing about it—much like its owner. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, my mind racing with thoughts of the night's possibilities.

I couldn't resist the urge to push her buttons a little more. Quietly, I made my way to her bedroom door and knocked softly. Heidi, are you sure you don't want some company? It gets pretty lonely out here I teased, my voice dripping with flirtation. I heard her sigh from the other side, and I knew I was getting under her skin. The night was far from over, and I had every intention of making her fold for me.

heidi's pov

You know what bella i'm starting to regret helping you recover i sighed getting up and walking out of my room practically pushing her out the door frame

"so you do wanna have some fun?" i could hear the mischief in her voice

I rolled my eyes, trying to hide the smile  that threatened to form on my lips. No, Bella. I want some peace and quiet. Is that too much to ask? I walked past her and headed to the kitchen, hoping she would get the hint and leave me alone for the night. But knowing Bella, that was wishful thinking.

her lips pouted  at me and all i could do was get my water out of the fridge.. but it's gone. I groaned in frustration.

seriously, my water? you could've gotten one out of the container why mine. "you said too make myself at home i didn't know it was yours? or that you was saving it, sorry." Bella sighed and sat down on the couch , i felt bad for taking something so small out on her so i sat beside her and turned the tv on.

"what are you doing? this is my bed get up" My couch , my house , my blanket, my pillow oh and my water i said teasing her and she just scooted away "what ever heidi" she layed down with the remote on the table i decided too reach for it.

I reached over to grab the remote, and our fingers brushed against each other. The touch sent a jolt through me, and I noticed Bella's breath hitch slightly. The air between us grew thick with unspoken tension. I could feel her eyes on me, and when I turned to look, her gaze was intense, filled with something I couldn't quite place. My heart raced as I leaned in closer, our faces just inches apart. You know, Bella I whispered, barely audible, maybe I don't mind sharing everything with you. Her lips parted slightly, and for a moment, the world outside ceased to exist.

i could feel her breathing on my face , her eyes locked with desire she moved closer too me "what are you saying heidi i didn't hear you?" i smirked and laughed quietly grabbing the remote. Oh i just said move your hand im changing the channel i don't like this one.

Isabella's pov

Is this girl seriously messing with me? The playful banter between us was always a mix of tension and excitement. Heidi's teasing had a way of keeping me on my toes, making me wonder what she was really thinking. But deep down, I knew there was something more between us, something that went beyond just friendship.

I fake yawned and layed  down  moving my legs over heidi, i'm tired goodnight i said quickly  so i closed my eyes and heidi moved my legs off her and scoffed at me i tried too keep myself from laughing before she exited the living room.

she left and i let out an sigh of relief if i had to be stuck in that situation any longer i surely would have lost it.

it's like fighting yourself and your most exhausting triggers daily, i don't know how im gonna handle many days with her in her condo without giving in.

Heidi's Pov

why did she put her legs on me like that i was really starting too enjoy my movie she's so annoying why does she have too stay with me too recover it's not like i'm gonna protect her again , i closed my door leaving Bella behind in the living room.

As I lay in my bed, I couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and confusion. Bella's presence was stirring up emotions I wasn't ready to confront. Why did she have to be so complicated? I rolled over, staring at the ceiling, trying to push away the thoughts of her. It was like she had this power over me, making me feel things I didn't want to feel.

I sighed, pulling the blankets up to my chin. Maybe I was being too harsh on her. After all, she was here to recover, and I promised to help. But how was I supposed to keep my distance when she was always so close, always pushing my buttons? As I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't shake the feeling that the days ahead were going to be more challenging than I ever imagined.

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