chapter 11

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Marlows Pov

It's been two days and we're back at the company strategizing our plan too take down the ovalanis.

Carlos seems to have a plan but he says it might be too risky too faulty or have too many errors but he explained quickly and smooth.

"We stick together but not too close together , Team A will Be isabella And heidi of course , I will work with Veta she knows all routes too take down any error" Veta nodded agreeing. "Charlotte is with Marlow, You two are the main focus , we need slow and silent communication to get too the leader we will need a distraction."

"Charlotte is with Marlow. You two are the main focus. We need slow and silent communication to get to the leader; we will need a distraction."

I looked at Charlotte, and she gave me a determined nod. Alright, let's break it down, I said. Isabella and Heidi, you two will create a diversion at the north entrance. Make it loud enough to draw their attention but subtle enough not to raise immediate alarms. Veta, you and Carlos will handle the technical aspects. Disable their security systems and create fake signals to confuse them.

Isabella chimed in, "Heidi and I can set up some timed explosives. Nothing too big, just enough to cause a commotion and draw their guards away."

Carlos added, "Good idea. Veta and I will hack into their communication network. We'll feed them false information, making them believe the attack is coming from multiple points. This will buy us the time we need."

Charlotte looked at me, "Marlow, once the distractions are in place, you and I will infiltrate their main building. We need to move silently and avoid any unnecessary confrontations. Our goal is to reach the leader and take him down swiftly."

Understood, I replied. Everyone, make sure your earpieces are synced. We'll need constant communication. If anything goes wrong, we regroup at the safe point.

As we finalized our plans, the room buzzed with a mix of excitement and tension. We knew this mission was dangerous, but the stakes were too high to back down. Each of us had a role to play, and the success of this operation depended on our teamwork and precision.

"Alright, team," Carlos said, "Let's gear up and move out. Remember, stay focused and trust each other. We've got this."

With that, we gathered our equipment and headed out, ready to execute our plan. The night was dark, and the air was thick with anticipation. We moved quietly through the shadows, each step bringing us closer to our target. The Ovalanis wouldn't know what hit them.

Heidi's pov

I'm worried for isabella i don't need her getting hurt again but we need too follow through with the plan , we followed in behind My dad Marlow and Charlotte , Isabella's mom.

The night was dark, and the air was thick with confidence.

We moved silently, every step calculated. As we approached the north entrance, Isabella and I exchanged a glance. "Ready?" she whispered. I nodded, trying to keep my fears at bay. We set up the timed explosives, making sure everything was in place. The seconds felt like hours as we waited for the signal.

Finally, the explosives went off, creating a loud bang that echoed through the night. The guards at the entrance scrambled, their attention diverted. Carlos and Veta got to work, hacking into the security systems. "We're in," Veta's voice crackled through the earpiece. "Disabling cameras now."

Marlow and Charlotte moved swiftly towards the main building. They encountered a couple of guards, but Marlow took them down with quick , silent moves. Charlotte followed closely, her eyes scanning for any threats. They reached the entrance and slipped inside, their movements fluid and synchronized.

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