chapter 27

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Chapter: A Father's Worry

**Marlow's POV**

The echo of my footsteps reverberated through the empty hallways as I frantically searched the building, calling out for Heidi. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat a painful reminder of my growing dread. The smeared trail of blood led me to the center of the building, where my worst fears were realized. There she was, my daughter, half-alive in a pool of her own blood.

"HEIDI!" I screamed, my voice breaking asI ran to her side. Tears blurred my vision as I dropped to my knees, quickly applying pressure to her wound. "Stay with me, baby. Stay with me."

Heidi's eyes fluttered open, a weak smile playing on her lips. "Dad..." she whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Don't talk, sweetheart. Help is on the way," I choked out, my hands trembling as I tried to stop the bleeding. Blood oozed between my fingers, and I felt a wave of nausea hit me. Ifumbled for my phone and called Veta, my wife, who was already outside with the rest of the crew.

"Veta," I said, my voice shaking. "It's Heidi. She's hurt...badly. I don't know if she's going to make it."

There was a moment of silence on the other end before Veta's anguished cry pierced the air. "No! Not our baby girl! Marlow, something!"

"I am, I am," I reassured her, though I wasn't sure who I was trying to convince more—her or myself. "The medics are on their way. Just stay strong."

**Veta's POV**

The world seemed to collapse around me as Marlow's words sank in. Our toughest fighter, our beloved daughter, was fighting for her life. I could barely breathe, the weight of the news crushing my chest. The crew gathered around, their faces etched with worry and sorrow. I turned to Charlotte, my eyes wild with desperation.

"Charlotte, we need to get to the hospital now!" I yelled, my voice cracking.

Charlotte nodded, her face pale but determined. "Let's go," she said, grabbing her keys. We rushed to the Mercedes, the engine roaring to life as we sped towards the hospital.

**Isabella's POV**

I was at Carlos and Charlotte's mansion with the rest of the crew when the call came in. The room fell silent as Veta's cries echoed through the speakerphone. My heart stopped. Heidi. My Heidi. The love of my life.

"No, no, no," I whispered, my hands trembling. I turned to Carlos, my eyes pleading. "I need to see her. Please, let me go to her."

Carlos shook his head, his face grim. "It's too dangerous, Isabella. You can't go."

"She's dying!" I screamed, my voice breaking. "I can't just sit here and do nothing!"

Carlos grabbed my shoulders, his grip firm. "We need to stay together. We'll go to the hospital as soon as it's safe."

"But what if it's too late?" I sobbed, collapsing into his arms. "What if I lose her?"

"We won't lose her," Carlos said, though his voice wavered. "She's strong. She'll fight through this."

**Heidi's POV**

Pain. That was all I could feel. It radiated through my body, each breath a struggle. I could hear my father's voice, his pleas for me to stay awake, but it was so hard. Darkness was closing in, and I was so tired.

"Hang in there, Heidi," a voice said, and I felt myself being lifted onto a stretcher. The medics worked quickly, their hands moving with practiced precision. "You're going to be okay. Just hold on."

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