Chapter 29

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**Chapter: The Pull Through**

**Veta's POV**

The sterile smell of the hospital was overwhelming as Marlow and I demanded to see our daughter. The doctor tried to push us aside, citing protocols and the critical nature of the surgery, but we wouldn't be deterred. Our desperation must have shown, because eventually, they relented. They handed uslap coats, caps, and masks, but all I could think about was Heidi. My baby.

As we entered the operating room, my heart ached at the sight before me. Heidi lay on the table, tubes and wires connected to her, her face pale and covered in sweat. She was only 22. She couldn't die this young. Absolutely not.

I rushed to her side, my hand trembling as I took hers. "Heidi," I whispered, my voice breaking. "Mommy's here."

Marlow stood beside me, his face a mask of anguish. He reached out and placed a hand on Heidi's forehead, his eyes filled with tears. "Stay with us, sweetheart," he murmured. "Please, stay with us."

**Marlow's POV**

Seeing Heidi like this was a nightmare I couldn't wake up from. The beeping of the monitors, the frantic movements of the surgeons—it all felt surreal. My mind flashed through memories of her childhood, her laughter, her strength. How had it come to this?

"Do something!" Veta cried, her voice filled with desperation. "Please, do something!"

"We're doing everything we can," one of the surgeons said, his voice strained. "But she's critical. We need to stabilize her heart rate and blood pressure."

**Surgeon's POV**

The situation was dire. Heidi's heart rate and blood pressure were fluctuating wildly, and we were running out of options. My colleagues and I exchanged worried glances, knowing that the next few minutes were crucial.

"Increase the epinephrine," I instructed, my voice steady despite the tension. "We need to get her stabilized."

**Heidi's POV**

Pain. It was all-consuming. I could hear voices, feel hands on me, but it was all a blur. The darkness was still there, whispering to let go, but then I heard my mother's voice.

"Mom," I tried to say, but it came out as a weak croak. I coughed, and a metallic taste filled my mouth. Blood. I was coughing up blood.

"Mom, please," I managed to say, my voice trembling. "Save me."

**Veta's POV**

Hearing Heidi's voice, weak and filled with pain, shattered what little composure I had left. "I'm here, baby," I sobbed, squeezing her hand. "I'm here. Just hold on."

"Her heart rate is spiking," one of the surgeons said, his voice urgent. "We need to act fast."

"Do something!" I screamed, my voice filled with raw desperation. "Please, save her!"

**Marlow's POV**

I felt utterly helpless, watching as the surgeons worked frantically to save our daughter. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat a painful reminder of how close we were to losing her.

"Hang in there, Heidi," I whispered, my voice breaking. "You can do this. You're strong."

**Surgeon's POV**

We were running out of time. Heidi's heart rate was dangerously high, and her blood pressure was unstable. We needed to act fast.

"Prepare the defibrillator," I instructed, my voice steady despite the chaos. "We may need to shock her heart."

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