Chapter 8

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Isabella's pov

As we danced the night away and walked out of the restaurant i felt madly in love with Heidi and everything about her just drives me insane.

We was driving back too her condo , i asked her too hold my hand and she did i felt i could never want for anything else other then to be by her side. We arrived at her condo , she opened my door and every time it makes me fold for her she's so gentle and caring with me.

I unbuttoned my blouse standing in the kitchen and got a cup pouring water into it "that's not my water is it?" she asked politely and i said no that it's mine from earlier "oh..oops i drank out of that" she said softly coming from behind me hugging my waist. I melted feeling her warmth and hands on me i couldn't handle her. I took a sip of my water as i felt heidi hold me rubbing my waist too my hips i bit down on my lip setting the water down, her scent was intoxicating.

Turning around to face her, our eyes locked, and the intensity of the moment was undeniable. I leaned in, our lips meeting in a passionate kiss that sent waves of desire coursing through my body. Her hands squeezed my hips, pulling me closer, and I could feel her heartbeat against mine. Deepening the kiss, I felt our connection grow stronger, and we lost ourselves in each other. She broke the kiss, her eyes filled with lust, and without a word, she took my hand and led me towards her bedroom.

Every step we took felt like an eternity, the anticipation building with each passing second. As we entered her room, the dim light cast a soft glow, making everything feel even more intimate. She pulled me close again, our lips meeting in another fervent kiss. Her hands explored my body, sending shivers down my spine. I could feel the heat between us growing, and I knew I wanted nothing more than to be with her in this moment. The passion was overwhelming, and as we moved towards the bed, I felt a sense of belonging and desire that I had never experienced before.

She kissed down too my neck and i pushed her down on the bed straddling her waist the moment we had from awhile ago flashed in the back of my head and i moaned quietly under my breath her kisses getting more and more intense, i combed my fingers through her hair as she sat up i leaned against her.

As we lost ourselves in each other, the intensity grew. Every kiss, every touch, brought us closer to the edge. The passion was overwhelming, and I felt a sense of euphoria that I had never experienced before. Her hand wrapped around my neck making me look up my back relaxed , and I could feel the raw desire in her touch. We were completely consumed by each other, every moment intensifying the bond between us.

Heidi's lips traveled down my neck, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. She knew exactly how to make me squirm her every move deliberate and filled with intent. Her dominance was intoxicating, and I surrendered completely to her as she unclasped my bra from under my shirt Her hands roamed my body, exploring every curve and contour, making me feel cherished and adored most for that matter i was aroused and an whining mess for her.

Our breaths became ragged as the intensity of our connection deepened. The room seemed to pulse with the energy between us. Heidi's eyes locked onto mine, and the look of pure desire in her gaze made my heart race even faster. She pulled me closer, our bodies pressed together, and I could feel the heat radiating from her.

She whispered my name, her voice husky with need, and the sound sent shivers down my spine. Her touch was both gentle and commanding as i took my shirt off she kissed down too my breast my breath hitched as i wrapped my fingers into her hair i could hear her sexy chuckle , a perfect blend of tenderness and strength. As we moved together, it felt as though we were dancing to a rhythm only we could hear, a symphony of passion and love.

She began too suck on my body in all the right places she layed me down beside her i could feel her desire and love traveling through me she layed in between my legs unbuttoning my pants i whined she caressed my lip with her finger it threw me into heaven immediately.

I brought her mouth back up too my nipples as she began too suck i moaned and dug my nails into her back scratching at her begging for her at this point, it was like being tortured but in an good way i don't regret it one bit, as she slid my pants off making her way down too my core i shivered her touch as gentle as ever.

i began too beg for her "you're so adorable when you want something bell" i whined scratching at her back more , she kissed me moving her tongue into my mouth and slowly she found the right spot too make my legs give out. She held them apart as if she already knew i was an fighter. I leaned my head back no longer able too take it i gripped the bed sheets as i rode out my orgasm , she began kissing my neck i was sensitive everywhere.

"i'm not done just yet baby.. " she said as she bit down on my neck , i moaned loudly keeping my legs open for her as she slid one finger into me my moans are now just heidi's name over and over again she picked up her pace inside me and all i could do was whimper i was absolutely an mess i came even harder my body shaking intensely as i breathed out relaxing into the bed heidi kissed my forehead and wrapped me up in the blanket.

Finally, exhausted and sated, we collapsed into each other's arms. The room was filled with the soft sound of our breathing as we lay together, our bodies entwined. I could feel her warmth against me, and a sense of peace washed over me. We whispered sweet nothings to each other, our fingers gently tracing each other's skin. As we drifted off to sleep, I knew that this moment would be etched in my memory forever, a beautiful testament to the love and passion we shared.

Heidi's presence was a constant reminder of the depth of our connection. Every touch, every kiss, every whispered word reinforced the bond between us. As I lay there, wrapped in her embrace, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the love we shared. It was a love that transcended the physical, reaching into the very core of our beings.

Heidi's pov

I woke up next too Isabella i smirked and kissed her earlobe she woke up and scooted into me " good morning too you too then.." i laughed against her shoulder good morning belle , "what time is it ?" it is around 1 in the afternoon i said getting up out of bed.

"and where are you going? just leave me here all aloneeee" Bell said frowning at me i smirked at her.

I'm going too get in the shower, you can always join me if you feel lonely enough. I winked at her kissing her forehead , her face was redder than a tomato i loved every bit of it.

As I walked towards the bathroom, I could hear her giggling behind me. "You know, you make it really hard to say no," she called out. I turned around, giving her a playful look. Well, that's the idea, I teased, watching her blush even more.

In the shower, I couldn't help but smile thinking about how adorable she looked when she was flustered. The water was warm, and I felt a sense of contentment wash over me. Moments like these, filled with laughter and love, were what made everything so special.

As I rinsed the shampoo from my hair, I heard the bathroom door creak open. I peeked through the steam and saw Bella standing there, looking a bit shy but determined. Decided to join me after all? I asked with a grin. She nodded, stepping into the shower, and I wrapped my arms around her, feeling the warmth of her body against mine.

We stood there for a moment, just enjoying each other's company. "You know, mornings like this make me feel like the luckiest person in the world," I whispered into her ear. She looked up at me with those beautiful eyes, and I couldn't help but lean down and kiss her softly. It was in these quiet, intimate moments that I realized just how deeply I loved her.

As the water cascaded over us, I could feel her relax in my arms. We didn't need words to communicate the depth of our connection; it was all in the way we held each other, the way our bodies fit together perfectly. Bella rested her head on my chest, and I gently stroked her hair, feeling a sense of peace that I had never known before.

Eventually, we finished our shower and stepped out, wrapping ourselves in fluffy towels. Bella looked at me with a playful smile, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "So, what's next on the agenda for our perfect day?" she asked. I laughed, pulling her close once more. Whatever we do, as long as we're together, it's going to be perfect, I replied, knowing that no matter what the day held, it would be filled with love and happiness.

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