Chapter 23

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~~~—-𝖳𝗐𝗈 𝖽𝖺𝗒𝗌 𝖺𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗂𝗌𝖺𝖻𝖾𝗅𝗅𝖺 𝗅𝖾𝖿𝗍.——~~~

Heidi's POV

I decided to move back into my mansion. It felt like the right time, especially with Isabella away on her business trip. I texted Bella to let her know, but I didn't get a response. The silence was unsettling, but I tried not to let it bother me. The condo was quiet, almost too quiet, and I needed something to fill the void. So, I decided that tomorrow, I'd throw a party and invite my friends. It would be fun, at least.

As I drove to the mansion, the familiar sights of the city passed by in a blur. My mind wandered to memories of Isabella and me, the laughter, the love, and the promises we made. The mansion loomed ahead, its grand facade both comforting and lonely. I parked the car and stepped inside, the emptiness echoing around me. After a quick shower, I fell into bed, exhaustion pulling me into a deep sleep.

——The party the third day.

The next evening, the mansion was alive with the sounds of laughter and music. Layla and Sarah were there, along with their boyfriends, Izack and Freddie. The atmosphere was light and carefree, a stark contrast to the tension I'd been feeling. Layla and Sarah were quick to notice my mood and pulled me into the fun, their infectious energy lifting my spirits.

Layla's POV

I could see that Heidi was trying to put on a brave face, but the worry lines around her eyes gave her away. Come on, Heidi, I said, handing her a drink. Let's dance and forget about everything for a while. Izack joined us, his goofy dance moves making us all laugh.

Sarah's POV

Freddie and I watched as Layla and Izack tried to cheer Heidi up. She's really missing Isabella, I whispered to Freddie. I hope this party helps her feel better. We joined the group, the music and laughter creating a bubble of happiness around us.

Izack's POV

Seeing Heidi smile, even if just for a moment, was worth all the effort. You know, we should do this more often," I said, pulling her into a playful dance. "It's good to see you having fun, Heidi.

Freddie's POV

I nodded in agreement, wrapping an arm around Sarah. Yeah, it's been too long since we all hung out like this. Let's make it a regular thing. The night continued with more dancing, laughter, and shared memories, the party serving as a temporary escape from the worries that weighed on us all.

——When she left her friends too drink more.

Heidi's POV

The party was in full swing, the mansion alive with the sounds of laughter, clinking glasses, and the thumping bass of the music. Heidi stumbled through the crowd, the room spinning from the countless drinks she'd downed. She felt a hollow ache in her chest, a gnawing fear of being without Isabella, who was away on a business trip. She needed something—anything—to fill the void, even if just for a night.

Heidi, you look lost, a sultry voice whispered in her ear. She turned to see Hazel, Isabella's best friend, standing too close, her eyes dark and inviting.

I'm fine, Heidi slurred, trying to push past her, but Hazel caught her arm, her grip firm.

Hazel's POV

Hazel had been watching Heidi all night, waiting for the right moment. She knew Heidi was vulnerable, her heart aching with Isabella's absence. She saw the opportunity and seized it.

Come on, Heidi, Hazel coaxed, her voice smooth as silk. Let's get you somewhere quiet. You need to relax.

Heidi hesitated, her eyes clouded with alcohol and uncertainty. "I shouldn't," she mumbled, but Hazel's grip tightened, and she led Heidi upstairs, away from the prying eyes of the partygoers.

Heidi's POV

Heidi's head was spinning, her thoughts a jumbled mess. She knew this was wrong, but the alcohol dulled her senses, and Hazel's presence was a comforting distraction from the pain. They entered a dimly lit bedroom, and Hazel closed the door behind them.

"Heidi," Hazel whispered, her lips brushing against Heidi's ear. "You don't have to be alone tonight."

Heidi shook her head, trying to clear the fog. No, I can't... Isabella...

Hazel's heart pounded with anticipation. She leaned in closer, her lips grazing Heidi's neck. Isabella isn't here, she murmured. Let me take care of you.

Heidi's resistance wavered, and Hazel took advantage, pressing her lips to Heidi's in a heated kiss. For a moment, Heidi responded, her desperation and loneliness fueling the kiss. But then she pulled away, her eyes wide with fear and guilt.

Heidi's POV

No, Hazel, stop, Heidi pleaded, pushing Hazel away. This is wrong.

But Hazel persisted, her hands roaming over Heidi's body. "You want this, Heidi. I can see it in your eyes."

Heidi's heart raced, her mind a chaotic swirl of emotions. She wanted Isabella, needed her, but she wasn't here. And in her drunken state, Hazel's touch was a tempting escape from the pain.

Isabella's POV

Isabella had returned from her trip early, eager to surprise Heidi. But as she entered the mansion, she felt a knot of unease in her stomach. She made her way upstairs, following the faint sounds of voices. When she pushed open the bedroom door, her heart shattered at the sight before her.

Heidi! Isabella's voice was a mix of anger and heartbreak. What the hell is going on?

Hazel stepped back, her eyes flashing with defiance. "Isabella, it's not what it looks like."

But Isabella's rage was palpable. She lunged at Hazel, her fists flying. "You betrayed me!" she screamed, her voice raw with pain.

Heidi's POV

Heidi watched in horror as Isabella and Hazel fought, their punches landing with brutal force. Stop it! she cried, trying to pull them apart. Please, stop!

But they were too far gone, their anger and betrayal fueling the fight. Isabella landed a vicious punch, and Hazel stumbled back, blood trickling from her lip.

Isabella's POV

Isabella's chest heaved with rage and heartbreak. She turned to Heidi, her eyes blazing. How could you? she spat, her voice trembling. How could you do this to us?

Tears streamed down Heidi's face as she reached out to Isabella. "I'm sorry," she sobbed. "I was drunk, I was scared... I didn't mean for this to happen."

But Isabella's hand struck out, slapping Heidi across the face. The sound echoed through the room, and Heidi stumbled back, her cheek burning with pain.

Hazel's POV

Hazel's heart ached as she watched the scene unfold. She had wanted Heidi, but not like this. Not at the cost of their friendship. Isabella, please, she said, her voice softening. This was my fault. Don't blame Heidi.

Isabella's POV

Isabella's eyes filled with tears as she looked between Heidi and Hazel. The betrayal cut deep, but so did the love she still felt for Heidi. I can't do this right now, she whispered, her voice breaking. I need to get out of here.

With one last, heart-wrenching look, Isabella turned and fled the room, leaving Heidi and Hazel standing in the wreckage of their actions.

Heidi's POV

Heidi sank to the floor, her body wracked with sobs. She had lost Isabella, the love of her life, and it was all her fault. Hazel knelt beside her, but Heidi pushed her away, the pain too fresh, too raw.

Just go, Heidi choked out, her voice barely a whisper. I need to be alone.

Hazel hesitated, then nodded, her own heart heavy with regret. She left the room, leaving Heidi to drown in her sorrow and the cold reality of what she had done.

The night was a blur of tears and heartache, the weight of their actions hanging heavy in the air. And as the dawn broke, Heidi knew that nothing would ever be the same again.

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